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stalking syndicate and fac

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Chap..I think you need to slow down a little, sounds like you are going a bit too fast...180 acres, a .243 and all the bits, High Seats etc, etc, etc, how many deer do you have to shoot before your business dies with them???

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Chap..I think you need to slow down a little, sounds like you are going a bit too fast...180 acres, a .243 and all the bits, High Seats etc, etc, etc, how many deer do you have to shoot before your business dies with them???

it aint a bussines its so people can try stalking. there are quite afew muntjac about when i walk the dogs i saw what i thought was a fallow the other day and absolutuly dozens of roe. there are also some cwd apparantley although i havent seen them.we will not be buying high seats until we get some interest. im not going to be getting my fac my grandad is. ;)

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you are very unlikely to be granted your first fac deer rifle on 180 acres





this is open ticket ground is it clear for deer calibres if its not your going to struggle



if there is deer on there he can be granted a deer rifle eg 243 its the law deer must shot with this cal or higher!!!

Edited by bullxryno
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you are very unlikely to be granted your first fac deer rifle on 180 acres





this is open ticket ground is it clear for deer calibres if its not your going to struggle



if there is deer on there he can be granted a deer rifle eg 243 its the law deer must shot with this cal or higher!!!

14 year old 243 on first application. dont care what the law is, this will be hard to get passed the feo.

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Think it's his grandad that's getting the fac,atb NID.

hi all i have just got 180 acres of deer stalking permission and my grandad said if i can find out all the costs he will pay for my fac and if i get it ill be able to get a rifle im really looking for 243

his GD, is paying for it.

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Chap..I think you need to slow down a little, sounds like you are going a bit too fast...180 acres, a .243 and all the bits, High Seats etc, etc, etc, how many deer do you have to shoot before your business dies with them???

we will not be buying high seats until we get some interest. im not going to be getting my fac my grandad is. ;)

Maybe i read it wrong Mark,seems to be a bit of a mix-up somewhere along the line,atb NID

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sorry mate, your quite right.

if the poster cant get it right what chance of we.

well im sorry mate but ive got dyspraxia witch means i get mixed up sometimes with my words.


it was not your words mate , but these bits that confused







hi all i have just got 180 acres of deer stalking permission and my grandad said if i can find out all the costs he will pay for my fac and if i get it ill be able to get a rifle im really looking for 243


then you said this.

i got my shotgun certificate no probs mate

then this.


im not going to be getting my fac my grandad is. wink.gif


now this.

as said my grandad will be getting the 243 now as i have a criminal record.


so basically you cant use a gun at all.


make no wonder a few of us are confused. :blink: :blink:

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