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dog fighting

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sorry to here about your dogs mate my work mate went home after work yesterday to find his 8 year old border terrier dead the other terriers had killed it badly bitten and its throat ripped out to many terriers together their is always one challenging for dominance just like a pack of wolves gutted for you both jack

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sorry to here that mate thats gutting i keep 5 bitches and 1 male in a very larg kennle and run toach would nothing has ever happend yet hope the rest are all ok so sorry on your loss mlb

you are asking for trouble in my eyes.not matter how wel dogs get on they will always take sides and you will end up with dead dogs.never kennell more than 2 dogs together of either sex is a unwritten rule.

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sorry to here that mate thats gutting i keep 5 bitches and 1 male in a very larg kennle and run toach would nothing has ever happend yet hope the rest are all ok so sorry on your loss mlb

Kennel 3 and you will lose 1

sorry to here that mate ,i have 4 dogs all sleep in the same kennel but niver had a fight all r very good working dogs best of luck and keep ur head up .
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chin up pal shes going to be a hard bitch to replace matey she was a brilliant grafter that dog lets just hope the other bitch pulls throw and makes us proud ;)

she was a good bitch mate she never let us down like you say hope the other bitch pulls though and makes us as proud she is going to be hard to replace for temprement and most of all work wise

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when bitches start to come in season even before you see it, they get very aggressive some times .good working terriers should have there own kennell, some might be ok with a bitch. to be honest lets be fair, when you here guys keeping more that two working terriers in the same area/ kennel makes ye wonder what type of dogs they have......shittie things for chaseing rabbits i would say.........good working terriers wont give an inch when it comes to kennel fights, and when you do have good ones you pay the extra few pounds for there own place, rubbish is always packed together, some thing good is always put away.........no matter what you talk about in this life !!!!!!!!

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this bitch never let me down a good hard worker that did her work till the job was done this loss as nocked me back i had good hopes on her as to breed off her in a couple of year the bitch was bread to work and that she did

as we all no a good hard working dog that does everything you ask of them is hard to fined

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when bitches start to come in season even before you see it, they get very aggressive some times .good working terriers should have there own kennell, some might be ok with a bitch. to be honest lets be fair, when you here guys keeping more that two working terriers in the same area/ kennel makes ye wonder what type of dogs they have......shittie things for chaseing rabbits i would say.........good working terriers wont give an inch when it comes to kennel fights, and when you do have good ones you pay the extra few pounds for there own place, rubbish is always packed together, some thing good is always put away.........no matter what you talk about in this life !!!!!!!!

p***y I could not say it better myself.The idea of somebody keeping more than two WORKING DOGS together has me baffled.

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