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Bedlington Greyhound

Guest rabbithunter2006

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Guest rabbithunter2006

Hi, just wanted to know how good this breed is, ive got a bedi grey pup about 6 month old, shes allready retrieving. shes getting very fast on her feet now. shes also getting very keen when out for a mooch. are they any good when going ferreting. just wanted to know some facts about this breed. any info much appreciated :D:D

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Hi, just wanted to know how good this breed is, ive got a bedi grey pup about 6 month old, shes allready retrieving. shes getting very fast on her feet now. shes also getting very keen when out for a mooch. are they any good when going ferreting. just wanted to know some facts about this breed. any info much appreciated :D:D

i use to own a first cross bedlington greyhound many years ago she was a good ferreting dog, and a good lamper,my hunting companion still works his bitch, she is ten years old now and still going strong.they are a very versatile dog, and they make a good allround dog,best of luck with yours.regards collie john.

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i have had a few in the past,cant fault them on the lamp or in the day i own a bedlingtonxgryxbull xgry now and hes doing real well day, night,on all quarry cant fault them mate good luck with yours :good:

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I had a first cross Gutchcommon Bedlington Greyhound that was easy the best dog ive ever owned.He was one of those dogs that seemed to be in the right place at the right time.Whatever was at the bottom of the beam he would pull it no questions asked.I bred him a few times but he never produced a pup that was anywhere as good as he was.Unfortunately he had to be pts earlier this year due to old age.I will sort some photos out and put them up :good:

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I've got a first cross bedd/grey and I find its will to hunt, outways its will to obey.

It misses seeing stuff because it always has its nose to ground. It doesnt like the sharp end, but for a rabbiting dog I dont think you would go far wrong.

I would start it on lamp before you let it hunt up though, otherwise you will have a job on your hands stopping it doing it while lamping - I know!!!!

But this could be down to me being a shit dog trainer....

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Hi, just wanted to know how good this breed is, ive got a bedi grey pup about 6 month old, shes allready retrieving. shes getting very fast on her feet now. shes also getting very keen when out for a mooch. are they any good when going ferreting. just wanted to know some facts about this breed. any info much appreciated :D:D


Ive seen a lot of bedlington crosses over the years and apart from the fact that the dogs can be a bit deaf at times especially if theres a bitch about i think they are well capable the best of these were three quater greyhound a cross that their aught to be more of in my opinion

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