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first dog / hello all help me shut it up lol

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hello iv just moved into my first house and built my first dog run. iv been into hunting all my life but never had anywere 2 keep a dog..so now i have a wippit/grayhound/collie/ call roxy its 12month old and it a dark sandy couler...it want shut up in the run at the moment. WAT DO I DO. i'll put pics on 2moro

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try the water pistol/spray bottle.....when it starts barking dont look at it or shout [cos in its eyes it thinks you are joining in with the noise] spray it a couple of times in the face. dogs hate it [usually].....may have to get up a few times initially but it does seem to work....worth a try anyway!!!

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if its a confident dog kick the front of the kennels everytime it barks..........if its a shy dog it probably has seperation anxiety (my lurcher has it she howls for about 5 mins everytime i put her to bed but it used to be all night) so just ignor them its a form of attention seeking


the spraying water thing works good aswel as toka said you just have to put up with a wet dog

Edited by JPTfellterrier
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i tuck her out last nite four about 5 hours and then [bANNED TEXT] i got home from lamping..didnt eara a peep out of her.....think the lad iv got her off never tuck her anywere. im going to try just walking her loads and stick 2 the water gun. i wont shout just spray her...thanks four the replys. very helpfull

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if its a confident dog kick the front of the kennels everytime it barks..........if its a shy dog it probably has seperation anxiety (my lurcher has it she howls for about 5 mins everytime i put her to bed but it used to be all night) so just ignor them its a form of attention seeking


the spraying water thing works good aswel as toka said you just have to put up with a wet dog

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