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Nasty hobs

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Well I recently put up a post about me being offered a new hob that was seemingly huge and aggressive....well I got him today to and he's none of that he's a wee ball of pure solid muscle and is very friendly.The only problem is that my other two younger hobs grap him and shake him about like a doll (they are bigger but not as musclular) The two gang up on him so Iv had to keep him in his little shite cage to let it cool. My question is, is there away to get them to get on with him better? I was thinking of getting them fixed anyway (the main aggrovater - castrated, the other young one vasectomised??) Im buying a new hutch for him at the weekend anyway (when I get payed) What you think??




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Try putting the new hob in with the hob giving him the most agro for a while, then swap him with the other hob, just sounds like he's the new kid on the block, or if you have only just got him, leave them for a while and see what happens.

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introduce them on neutral ground and monitor how they get on, ferrets can be territorial, let them play together for short time. if they are entire they will fight. if are getting 2 done and one vasectomised, you will have to keep the vasectomised one seperate from the others as he will still have hormones surging round, he don't know he's firing blanks and will behave like an entire male

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Thanks folks I'll give it a try. By neutral ground could it just be a part of my garden neither have been before?

The most agro hob is actually grabbing the new one by the throat and shaking, I take it that aint playing? and even when my original 2 fight it isnt that bad just a few scars. The hob who I'll get vasectomised isnt the aggrovator but is just a follower so I thought that if his brother wasnt attacking this other ferret than he probably wont bother either???

The new guy is in his cage on top on the hutch the other two are in for now, but I'll leave it like that until he settles in. Then I may try what stealthy said but Im worried in case my younger hob does some serious damage to this new one as he looked like he meant buisiness (the shaking)???




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Thats the problem I do have jills that will need mated. The one that would get vasectomised is the one who isnt as aggressive towards the new one. I take it I should just snip the new one as well (castrate)




This is what i would do , vasectomise the easier going of the hobs , castrate the rest & house them all together if you have room , i sucessfully housed ferrets like this for years & if your lucky you may find having the vasectomised hob in all the year with the jills it stops the hormonal squabbling amongst them


Not saying it will work but i found it worked

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Im finding it hard to tell. My original two are brothers and they boss each other about by just dragging and biting each others necks (leaving scars) but when the more agro ferret met the new one he sniffed him for a few minutes (during this the new one sniffed him as well) then he grabbed the new guy by the neck (then throat) and started shaking him about. God knows how he does this as the new ferret is litrally a ball of pure muscle. When the less aggressive hob met him at first they were fine now he does the same but not as bad. All 3 together was a really bad idea the brothers jumoed him and both had hold of his throat took me every inch of strength in my arms to get them to unlock off of him! Now when the new guy sees them he turns away his head and his lip twitches (sort of like a dog) but he never gets to the point where HE goes for them, he always gets the brunt.

My two are definently in season as they reek and are covered in battle scars lol.




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Well today I tried introducingthe new guy to the less agro (but bigger) of my two hobs.....didnt go well. At first the 2 started marking everywhere and then the new guy jumped on him a few times like he was mounting except no biting then eventually after about a minute the hob grabbed the new one and fighting commenced this went on for about 2 mins before I docided that was enough as he tore a huge chunk of flesh and fur from the new guys side of his neck. Lots of blood and wounds and that wont be happening again as the poor guy is curled up in his bed scared to death.



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