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Guinea pig farm protests documentary


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Reporter joins the animal liberators to make a documentary about their obsession with animal rights. Featuring the people responsible who went to prison for the guinea pig farm protests, how they work and what motivates them.

What annoys me the most is, when the antis were helping Blair b@n hunting, all these programmes seemed to be pro anti, now the b@n is in place and the public are becoming aware of the mentality of these people its suddenly anti, anti's. Hypocrites the bleeden lot of them :no:


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Guest chilli

Quite scarey really!



I thought it was hilarious, did you see the daft c**t with the wasp? :laugh:



i couldnt believe you wouldnt even harm a wasp nov , you never came over to good did you :laugh::laugh:

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Its not what they were doing but their mind set i found disturbing. As a child i used to lie awake on winters nights wondering how all the poor animals out there would survive and what i could do to help them, so i have an idea of their mental being, i remember how strong and overwhelming those feelings were....but i was a child, they are adults...scarey!


I wont kill wasps either :cry:


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I wont kill wasps either :cry:



With all insects and bugs, I too try to get them out safely, but purposely keeping a wasp indoors is just silly in my opinion. Spiders however, have a free roam of my house as far as I'm concerned, it's the bunny hugging disneyfied wife they have to watch out for :no: .

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I wont kill wasps either :cry:



With all insects and bugs, I too try to get them out safely, but purposely keeping a wasp indoors is just silly in my opinion. Spiders however, have a free roam of my house as far as I'm concerned, it's the bunny hugging disneyfied wife they have to watch out for :no: .


The funniest thing was when they got 12 years inside :laugh:


Dont bend over lads Bubbers got a hard one with your name on it :cry:

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