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another good weekend for the JCR crew

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Hi there JCR crew

see you ad another good weekend we are also from the southeast and get good numbers sometimes

not quite as good as your blokes unfortunatly they are a bit to fast on there feet for me

as i said in my last reply to one of your posts you should make a dvd for sale i for one would buy it

its a shame the ferreting season is coming to a close now but it gives us all something to look forward too

NEXT WINTER happy lamping air rifleing etc


hi max, we fuel up red bull before we start lol, as for the dvd, we are in the process of putting one together, we already have an outlet for them, so we will keep you posted! we will have one more out this season, then it will be airgun shooting. thanks again mate, happy hunting...


the JCR crew

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I have to stay, I think you "JCR CREW" are a bunch of tossers, I never heard as much crap talked in all my life, 30 year bloodlines and this nonsense, Who the feck calls themselves the JCR CREW, Where are you from, Hackney?


And then you post al your rabbits from the freezer and ask other to put up there bags, when you know bloody well other dont get that many, Theres old hands on here that would show you toosers a thing or two...I think you all sould grow up and act like grown men.


im not sure what sort of problem you have got with us pal, 1st of all you said we was catching the rabbits up and stuffing them down the sets, now your saying our bags are from the freezers! what next? are you jelous, we have offerd for you to come down and see it done properly, so why dont you? why do you feel the need to ruin our posts? anybody who knows the ferreting game, only as to look at the videos to see we are not trying pull a fast one! anyway, our reputation in our area from the results we give the farmers, and the fact that we have just secured a sponser for our dvd pretty much says it all, so please stop bringing your jelousy to our page and ruining it for us and everybody else!


the JCR crew

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I have to stay, I think you "JCR CREW" are a bunch of tossers, I never heard as much crap talked in all my life, 30 year bloodlines and this nonsense, Who the feck calls themselves the JCR CREW, Where are you from, Hackney?


And then you post al your rabbits from the freezer and ask other to put up there bags, when you know bloody well other dont get that many, Theres old hands on here that would show you toosers a thing or two...I think you all sould grow up and act like grown men.


never knew that frozen rabbits rabbits can bolt like in the vids they have.


Come on now, there a good team of rabbiters thats obviously are better than you hens the jealousy

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I have to stay, I think you "JCR CREW" are a bunch of tossers, I never heard as much crap talked in all my life, 30 year bloodlines and this nonsense, Who the feck calls themselves the JCR CREW, Where are you from, Hackney?


And then you post al your rabbits from the freezer and ask other to put up there bags, when you know bloody well other dont get that many, Theres old hands on here that would show you toosers a thing or two...I think you all sould grow up and act like grown men.

hmmmm 6 posts? sounds like your someone who's just got it out for the jcr crew....is it that your jelous you cant get a bag like them? and like the other guy said..never seen a frozen rabbit bolt like that. so erm go get some bags like them and come back and post?

Edited by SamMoss17
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Yo jcr , got offerd a brand new run and hutch today from this bloke, but he said if i wont them i've got to take 6 ferrets with it 4 jils + 2 hobs :icon_eek: and i cant really handle that many :( only been in this sport 4 months, so looks like i got to build a run :wallbash: .


thanks for the above comment sam, we shall just ignore him now, im not sure why he keeps trying to ruin our posts but, never mind!

how many ferrets/polecats do you have before you take on the other 6 lol?


the JCR crew

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your welcome :). Well i have two jils at the moment. both coming into season, so first time i got to deal with that...dont think i could handle another 6, so 8 all toghther. so i think i'am going to leave it and just try get the run of him...he only wonts 15 quid for the ferrets, hutch and run. but it's alot to look after to say i've only been looking after my first ferrets for like 3-4 months.

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your welcome :). Well i have two jils at the moment. both coming into season, so first time i got to deal with that...dont think i could handle another 6, so 8 all toghther. so i think i'am going to leave it and just try get the run of him...he only wonts 15 quid for the ferrets, hutch and run. but it's alot to look after to say i've only been looking after my first ferrets for like 3-4 months.


i wouldnt take them on if i was you, just take care of the jils you have already got, build yourself a nice big run for them, put plenty of tubes and things to entertain them, and you should have a couple of very happy hard working little jills!


the JCR crew

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:) am working on the run now, just need to get some permission to go on...harder than what i thought it would of been to get the first bit of land. well they was breeded from show ferrets but they work well.


glad they are working for mate, and just keep trying to get that permision, it will come, then you got to do a real good job and hope that your name gets around so you get some more!

good luck and happy hunting


the JCR crew

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Well i thought in 30 yrs i had seen most things to do with ferreting but FROZEN rabbits bolting out of holes thats a new one

on me if pembshunter wasant so green with envy he might be able to except that the JCR crew are a very good team of rabbiters

and by watching there vids shows that iv been rabbiting for 30 odd years and acknowledge these guys are better than me but we

are not here to say whos better than who we are hear coz we all enjoy doing the same sport

so please grow up pembshunter we get enough aggro from the antis without giveing each other a Hard time


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