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Honest Legitimate digging in NI

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My wee jrt has just started to go to ground and as happy as I am, all the press coverage is sickening. It makes it 10 times as hard for genuine newcomers to get into things with genuine dog men. Understandably so.


I have been out with 100% real dogmen and was put to shame, I thought that I give my dogs great care and lives ( and I do) but the care, effort and love that goes into some of these dogs is unreal. The quality and condition of the working, legitimate dogs i have seen, far out ways some of the pampered, overweight, out of condition untrained and frankly badly behaved, pets i have seen. And honestly has prompted me to redo my dog yard.


As I said my wee russell has started to go to ground and I have been full of hope for next season. Then these raids pop up. This will inevitabally make it near impossible for newcomers and young'uns to get into the sport. And maybe rightly so, that genuine dogmen close ranks. But it doesn't help the fact that myself and many other new and young members to the sport are going to be set aside, not just by dog men, but by worried farmers who won't allow permission because of the bad recent press coverage.


It is disgracefull that a nation, so unbelievably forgiving, to the point of apology to other cultures. Will punish it's own citizens for a god given right and a hard fought for right ( 2 ww )


And i can only hope tha on a personal level that, the local farmers, and terrier and lurcher men are able to accept, teach and guide a newcomer who is eager to learn the proper ways of dog work.

Edited by ferreterni
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Thank you very much. Pleased she is doing well for him, is good news. :D

Am aiming to get shotguns this year, not really in a situation to get a new terrier at the minute so have to make do with what I have, and hope she catches on to things. The current situation definately isn't ideal and can only hope that things don't go the wrong way. Would be a shame to have things banned when I am just getting started haha

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Jesus lads dont take it to serious its not the end of the world.These things have been happening all the time it comes and goes.The hunting men of Northern Ireland wont stop doing their thing over some little thing like that.The brits with their choppers and watchtowers could not stop them for over 30 years this is only small fry.The boys i know up there are to long on the road to get excited by this storm in a tea cup.

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Jesus lads dont take it to serious its not the end of the world.These things have been happening all the time it comes and goes.The hunting men of Northern Ireland wont stop doing their thing over some little thing like that.The brits with their choppers and watchtowers could not stop them for over 30 years this is only small fry.The boys i know up there are to long on the road to get excited by this storm in a tea cup.

While I agree Liam about the fighting spirit of our Northern Ireland fellow sportsmen I disagree about it being only small fry.

The first man to be raided last Saturday is a fox hunting man but that fame seeking dictator Phillpot (or as his workmates call him "Potfill") has taken this mans foxhunting dogs and pet staff.

Phillpot over the last year has emptied the North of pit bull type dogs and yes ,some of them belonged to illegal dog fighters. A lot on the other hand didn't.

Phillpot has publicly said that he'll empty the North of terriers. And this murderer will try.

The Countryman to him is an easy target and the publicity will get him the fame he seeks. It's not about animal welfare to him as some of his workmates and Northern vets question his motives and methods.

He knows he wont get prosecutions but he knows he'll get the dogs. Just try and get your dogs back in a court of law even if you've not been found guilty of anything. IN FACT, most owners of confiscated dogs wont even try. And Phillpot knows this, thus the dogs get killed.

My opinion on the whole thing is that if Phillpot gets all or most or even some of the asshole cowboys who are fighting badgers on top with dogs and then filming it or boasting (at shows ,on the net etc. etc.) out of the dog game then Phillpot will have done the proper lads a big favour.

IN FACT this is not JMHO. I've had several good terriermen this week say to me that this current situation might weed out the scum within the doggy game.



P.S. I know my comment will upset the macho men but they can f**k off. They done enough damage.

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the way things are at the minute with the press you will be lucky to get an invation to go to some ones permission things will be bad for a while till all this blows over last year when there was bad press over lurchers and terriers we were getting pulled over every week and the dogs checked once a member of the public seen a lurcher or a dog trailer they were on the phone reporting us assuming we were up to no good but it blew over as long as your sport is legitamate you have nothing to worry about :D happy hunting

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Fair Game the only way of working a dog that I've critisised is using dogs of any kind to fight badgers over ground. Thats if you can call that work. I call it bullshit.

The other critisism I made is about those that have been using their own boastings and photos on the net to enhance their own egos.

It's these actions that's caused the reason trouble. SIMPLE AS THAT.

Now if anyone wants to stick up for all the foolishness thats causing decent lads to loose their terriers and feel like criminals then they're fools too.

The bottom line is that good terriers are going to get killed and good lads are going to get in trouble.

Those that deserve it ???????? They've only themselves to blame.

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Those guys were badger baiting and deserve prison and to have their dogs taken from them.


They are not hunting people, they are not dog men. They have nothing to do with what most on here enjoy.


But hunting people in the whole island of Ireland will pay for their actions. Dogs have been destroyed this week because of those guys!


You are anti hunting if your actions damage hunting.


Wether thats being a member of the LACS or a Retard, posting stupid pictures, wether what you did is legal does not matter, if your pictures can be used against hunting and you post them , you are anti hunting.



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neil working dogs on top or below ground makes no diffrents when it comes to the law...you or me could go out in the morning and it could come on top..does that make us c**ts????...decent terriermen...what is a decent terrierman...is it someone who says f**k all about hunting and just gets on with it...or is it someone well knowing for keeping working dogs...botton line for me is let everyone do there own thing and just worry about myself..how other people work there dogs has f**k all to do with me or anyone else......

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neil working dogs on top or below ground makes no diffrents when it comes to the law...you or me could go out in the morning and it could come on top..does that make us c**ts????...decent terriermen...what is a decent terrierman...is it someone who says f**k all about hunting and just gets on with it...or is it someone well knowing for keeping working dogs...botton line for me is let everyone do there own thing and just worry about myself..how other people work there dogs has f**k all to do with me or anyone else......


Fairgame, did you see the news or papers, do you classify what was uncovered as terrierwork cuz i for one don't. Neil is absolutely right in what he has said and as for 'you or me could go out in the morning and it could come on top'. Wtf does that mean?

Im not surprised all this has cropped its head as year by year more of the wrong people are getting involved in terrierwork and they have f**k all respect for the land owners ground and livestock. No respect for quarry, dogs, burrows and what they do in general. They give bad manners and think its all rosy but now take a look, the whole thing is up the left for everyone.....

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who's the wrong people????...its the same old story lads..ye boys think ye'r above everyone else when it comes to terriers..do it this way and do it that way...instead ye should be doing ye'r own thing and don't be worrying about other people......and if ye'r that worryed about it go knock on these peoples doors and say it to them....don't be running around like ye'r a cut above the rest......... ;)

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Guest oldskool

i do believe your talking out of your poo hole fair game :) ....


if your takin a badger out of a hole to purposely see how much stick your dog or dogs can take or to see how long it takes for the badger to give up the ghost then thats classed as baiting a live animal to death and 'baiting badgers' has nothin incommon with 'digging badgers'.... have respect for your quarry and despatch it quickly and painlessly as possible...



another thing i noticed is the spotlight is also being put on the terriers... let them do their job and get them lifted!!

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i remember doing history at school .the romans were untouchable but when they started bickering and fighting amongst themselves the german vandals took advantage and destroyed them .what i'm saying is lets stick together and stop this bullshit arguing lets fight as one and work our way towards where we want to be because i for one dont want an overall ban and my dogs destroying.

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