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I felt bad after because I heard that Black rabbits are imune to the mixy and this buck may have sired a whole load of imune rabbits. But the land owner wants them gone or at least controled. It had a beautiful pelt and totaly free of fleas.


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hi punydan

well done buddy your no longer a virgin .i haven't had a black one yet but have shot a few ginger ones though. don't feel bad because your doing as the landowner requires

take a look




happy hunting



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I felt bad after because I heard that Black rabbits are imune to the mixy and this buck may have sired a whole load of imune rabbits. But the land owner wants them gone or at least controled. It had a beautiful pelt and totaly free of fleas.




News to me black rabbits are immune to Mixxy so don't feel guilty, if that was the case there would be millions of them. As far as I am aware EVERY domesticated rabbit is susceptible, there are recognised cures at the vet, if you can get in early enough and your pockets are deep enough, but the survival rate even with expert care is VERY low!!


Lots of European Rabbits flea free in Berkshire as well!! :thumbs:

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