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CZ .22 Semi Auto Accuracy Problems

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A friend of mine has just bought a brand new CZ .22 semi auto with a sound mod fitted and when he went to zero the rifle, found that he could not get a grouping below the size of a dinner plate!!! He put well over 100 rounds through it and it didn't get any better. Has anyone else had a similar thing or have any suggestions for solving this problem,before the gun goes back! I have told him to look at the crown of the barrel but it was done by the factory, so wouldn't expect any probs there, he is also going to look at the bedding / floating of the barrel.


Thanks in advance



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It won't be the floating of the barrel then!! He did also try shooting it with the mod off, it made no difference and he did say the trigger was awful, is there no kit available similar to the Brooks for the bolt action CZ's?



Edited by Josh9
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It is a brand new rifle and he was zeroing it at 70 yards. I think the rifle is just going to have to go back, as there must be something wrong for it to be that inaccurate straight from the box, maybe it was a Friday afternoon production job, rare but not unheard of I suppose!



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Has the gun been stripped for cleaning? Just get him to check all the parts are tight and screws tightened etc. Fairly obvious stuff really, but you never know.


Could it be the scope? I'd shove the rifle on a rest. Clamp it so it can't move, and shoot a series of shots to see if it's still shotgunning. Or test with open sights if they're fitted.

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i had exact same problems with a brand new cz bolt action last month


wouldnt hold more than 23" group at fecking 25 yards as a start point


on closer inspection the crown was left with a very slight "burr" on the inside of the crown

obviously guy didnt finish off the job very well


take a thin point knife and sjust feel lightly form just inside the barrel and slide out... should be smooth if you feel a slight "lip" or burr then you got same problem i had

i was lucky 1 hour after finding this out i had my old man sort this out on the lathe saved me a shit load o hassle regarding sending back postage etc etc

als othe barrel was touching the stock right along the forestock on the right hand side so whilst old man did the barrel we just honed out the forestock a little and re-oiled the wood same afternoon i wasw back at the target started at 25yrds then out and zeroed at 50 yards and its keyholing shots no problem now.


i informed the shop i bought this from and he had a couple of other CZ there and another was the same so maybe a bad batch from CZ????

maybe the guy in the factory did on a saturday morning after the friday night ion the piss???


shop owner was very understanding and thanked me and i got a free set o electronic ear muffs up too



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