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I have always docked terriers to a hand and a bit! Not one of the dogs have come to any harm, my own or any others I have dug with. If I can't scruff them which happens regularly I have always used the tail as a means of retrieval as sometimes it is the only method of retrieving a dog in many situations and don't think I will stop now ATB

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If I happen to dig behind the dog what I would usuall do is instead a pulling. I Would dig up to the dog once not tunnelling the earth to much . I hate pulling as it can cause unnecessary harm to the dog and animal.Obviously things don't always work out that way. But in generally. And I have pulled a dog by the tail and back legs together and have not harmed the dog just use common sense in the situation that you have yourself in.

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I don't think anyone working terriers can honestly say they have not used the tail even as a last resort! On digs where you have been cold and wet, waiting for hours and suddenly the only thing you can see is the wagging end! Do you retrieve the dog and feel relieved or wait and suffer the consequences??

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Always wise to open up enough around the dog so as to remove it and dispatch the quarry with the minimum amount of stress to them both.commonsense should prevail, I would grab the legs personally if dogs in tight.yanking on things can cause unnecessary damage imo :(.atb dc

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  On 04/09/2016 at 10:15, Haiddheliwr said:

There are times when opening up is not possible DC. I am not advocating "yanking" and yes if possible combine with the back legs as well! I have done this for too many years to remember and not one dog has come to any harm ATB

totally agree mukka-sometimes things are tricky and need a different approach .that's when you need to be a bit more savvy ;).atb dc
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Should never pull a dog by the tail, it's connected to the base of its spine, also connected to mussels that can be pulled or torn, if you can get your hand in as far as its tail then you should be able to get your hand in under it to grab both legs and remove gently, have a bit of sense lads.

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