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tank, 3 years old

Just got him out, just over 8 hours...... home bath, pjs on then bed.....

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Question that's been floating around for a long time in the terrier game in Ireland bit like gould Smitty ,what is the Toby  breeding and who bred him because it only in later years I seen dogs that came  off him plus I live along where from where he was worked,now this thread is of great reading in the last few weeks some cracking working dogs on it let keep it going 

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36 minutes ago, False Peds said:

Foxy bought him in scrapyard pbrookes with pd  and me ,he was a red smooth dog ,I think we spoke before you were you there long time ago ???

Yeah I was there it was a roofing yard. I sold him the dog. Was about 2002 I think and joe heffernon took the other dog over to him. Big lad had a Russel off me the same day

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1 hour ago, pbrookes said:

Yeah I was there it was a roofing yard. I sold him the dog. Was about 2002 I think and joe heffernon took the other dog over to him. Big lad had a Russel off me the same day

Ye I bought Russell small world ,long time ago another name Joe hefferan he didn't get mention with the big names he dug with gouldy for years he indroduce  pd and us to Gould and lot s of of good digging lads around leister, notts  ,was at his funeral ,was Henry of Steve Ellis's breeding did you send over a dog called Fred few few years later ???

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15 hours ago, chesney said:

Theres still a dog and a bitch alive  of him good age now monty and rosie there was brother of them sammy died last year he produced some decent workers that fella there was another bitch called mister died a few year back the litter of 6 were all dug to in cluding false peds red fella. The breeding of him was floating around there a  few year ago when it was shown to lad that knew vinny breeding his exact words were hey steve thats aload of bollocks lad. The lads had the stuff of vinny have pics them dogs they might put them up. The bitch was put to was of deckys old bitch and nuttall dog fairly bred stuff another mating  that clicked at that time.

The only breeding that came with Vinny was he was nuttal type 

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19 minutes ago, False Peds said:

Ye few off us went there and ragley hall for years travel all over UK back then great times ,

Yes I was stould next to Steve Elis  I judged PD show once

Henry did he not go back to Acky dogs???

Edited by ROM1
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