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tank, 3 years old

Just got him out, just over 8 hours...... home bath, pjs on then bed.....

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I’ve learnt that ‘educated game’ can earn that title because the lads that dig them have dogs that will take hold and work hard. Last season I’ve seen some dogs come off very worse for wear and we’ve all agreed that the game must be very educated. We’ve then tipped a steady dog in which knows the score just baying away nothing stupid, and we’ve dug the game without a scratch on the dog. Now if you keep hard dogs and you come across game which won’t submit your gunna call that game educated as you will see the outcome with the dogs wounds but there’s every much chance you will dig it with a steady dog which doesn’t overpressure the game. I’ve seen it a few times this season. There’s a lot of hard dogs in Ireland and you claim there’s a lot of educated game. Coincidence? I don’t know where this thing of educated quarry is only in wales and Ireland. The nastiest lot I’ve seen have been in the north of England where they’re sparse and you meet them frequent. 

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24 minutes ago, rob284 said:

I’ve learnt that ‘educated game’ can earn that title because the lads that dig them have dogs that will take hold and work hard. Last season I’ve seen some dogs come off very worse for wear and we’ve all agreed that the game must be very educated. We’ve then tipped a steady dog in which knows the score just baying away nothing stupid, and we’ve dug the game without a scratch on the dog. Now if you keep hard dogs and you come across game which won’t submit your gunna call that game educated as you will see the outcome with the dogs wounds but there’s every much chance you will dig it with a steady dog which doesn’t overpressure the game. I’ve seen it a few times this season. There’s a lot of hard dogs in Ireland and you claim there’s a lot of educated game. Coincidence? I don’t know where this thing of educated quarry is only in wales and Ireland. The nastiest lot I’ve seen have been in the north of England where they’re sparse and you meet them frequent. 

Good point Rob ,it’s also true many get educated by shit dogs that go in give the thing a hard time and back out wagging tales with the thing never dug or the earth looking like a bomb site .

I remember an artificial round me where the thing used to come down the tube before the dog was fully in ,harassed by hunt terriers week in week out .



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27 minutes ago, rob284 said:

I’ve learnt that ‘educated game’ can earn that title because the lads that dig them have dogs that will take hold and work hard. Last season I’ve seen some dogs come off very worse for wear and we’ve all agreed that the game must be very educated. We’ve then tipped a steady dog in which knows the score just baying away nothing stupid, and we’ve dug the game without a scratch on the dog. Now if you keep hard dogs and you come across game which won’t submit your gunna call that game educated as you will see the outcome with the dogs wounds but there’s every much chance you will dig it with a steady dog which doesn’t overpressure the game. I’ve seen it a few times this season. There’s a lot of hard dogs in Ireland and you claim there’s a lot of educated game. Coincidence? I don’t know where this thing of educated quarry is only in wales and Ireland. The nastiest lot I’ve seen have been in the north of England where they’re sparse and you meet them frequent. 

Rob i was just getting a rise out of fireman and fd over the educated game dogs im sure there the same everywhere. A couple dogs my mates have are going very well theres a couple do standout cause black stocky smooth they got plenty work put in front of them this year but there one tidy rough coated dog not the biggest dog in the world is a clever dog knows how ta work he got the most digging this year he dug couple good  sized earths that were supposedly never dug he not a standout looker like the smooth lads i do post on here but he is a good honest dog. And he probaby the id use over a bitch if i were ta breed at this moment. If i wanted ta peddle them obviously id use the smooth lads 

Edited by chesney
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7 minutes ago, foxdropper said:

Good point Rob ,it’s also true many get educated by shit dogs that go in give the thing a hard time and back out wagging tales with the thing never dug or the earth looking like a bomb site .

I remember an artificial round me where the thing used to come down the tube before the dog was fully in ,harassed by hunt terriers week in week out .



Many a young dog dont make the grade here because there started on quarry thats used ta seen dogs some do alot dont some lads just dont have the patience with young dogs i think more would make it given more time not all them will some just dont have it no matter what breeding is in them

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I dont come on here but after reading a bout educated game i think alot of people dont know what educated game is or have very little idea u dig it u dig and so on then there is the earths it moves in to each time its left to run for another day it might  be 3 holes or 30 and it could be 4feet deep or twelve feet  it could be easy digging or bad digging it could take 1hour to dig or 12hour u do not dig educated gear with steady yapping terriers regular thats if the animal is proper educated the animal is a match for any game terrier with out  it being educated to be dug season after season  if the terrier is game but then a gain i dont know what some people on her call digging proper digging so who cares .

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They’re all different animals, some educated ones will take the fight to the dog from the off and constantly be hitting the dog as soon as the digging starts, whereas some don’t want to know and will kick up a wall and curl up while the dog bays away at them. It also depends a lot on the time of year you’re out, you might meet a much more docile animal in September than say in December.

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1 hour ago, rob284 said:

I’ve learnt that ‘educated game’ can earn that title because the lads that dig them have dogs that will take hold and work hard. Last season I’ve seen some dogs come off very worse for wear and we’ve all agreed that the game must be very educated. We’ve then tipped a steady dog in which knows the score just baying away nothing stupid, and we’ve dug the game without a scratch on the dog. Now if you keep hard dogs and you come across game which won’t submit your gunna call that game educated as you will see the outcome with the dogs wounds but there’s every much chance you will dig it with a steady dog which doesn’t overpressure the game. I’ve seen it a few times this season. There’s a lot of hard dogs in Ireland and you claim there’s a lot of educated game. Coincidence? I don’t know where this thing of educated quarry is only in wales and Ireland. The nastiest lot I’ve seen have been in the north of England where they’re sparse and you meet them frequent. 

I’ll tell you why rob any English man yea meet all sing from the same hymn sheet they don’t make it to see a dog ever again 

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