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Funny that, I was out with a friend last week and his bitch was marking strong on a very well run place, you'd bet your last dollar on her screaming in, tipped her loose and she just stood there as dumb as f**k.

I'm not saying the terrier in the picture is a bad terrier, I'm sure it's not but pictures can tell a thousand lies.

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My mate had a dog he bred himself last season. From an early age it was a screamer on a lead wanting to be down holes, used to whine and bark on when tied up on a dig. Once it come of an age to try, it went in for a couple of minutes and was straight back out. Refused to engage anything underground. We tried him all season in every scenario we could. Big earths, small earth, drains, artificials the dog just wouldnt work. The final straw was him marking a single hole drain that ran in a straight line for about 30yds to a stop end, only 10" deep. He duly marked it so me and another mate sat on top of where the stop end is and told the owner to enter the dog, he flew straight in upto where we were and bayed flat out for about 10 seconds then was back out with one nip on his muzzle and refused to re-enter and that was that. Hell of a stamp he wad aswell unfortunately.

Edited by Rabbit Hunter
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