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26 minutes ago, Apache... said:

Your spot on chesney, you read my mind it's a phase that's been going on for decades, who's next? Another thing, a tattoo and a microchip doesn't mean a dog is going to be a worker!!!

Apache.your right microchip and tattoo means f**k all.not taking anyone side here but if some lads were told truth the first day we wouldn't have this crack about peds.there just a line of dogs at the end of it.and it's just going full circle the whole time with men saying they haven't got this blood because they weren't bred by the lines name.there is lots of lads that got these pups at the start and bred off them with lads that also had same blood.it's same thing on here whole time roll on September get them dug

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Ut, peds mean nothing to me ?there's good and bad in every bloodline as you most probably know, as lads have said when fellas see £££ signs it goes tits up, and money becomes more important than workers, Ive ordered my tattoo gun and microchips they should be here next week ?

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Are we back on this subject again the the tattoo was deterrent against dog robbers the micro chip more or less for the same reason as it's easy copy the tattoo also the is an identification of whether the pup was bred in that particular yard like dogs that were and then sold on the man was told the pup had died only couple years down the line ta get a phone call of lads  with the chip number of a dog that supposedly died thechip helped identify that particular dog or bitch and what it's out of. As for Peds why should anyone that's bred a line for decades give out the full history of a lifetime of work look what's happened with lads that bought multiple bitchs and dogs of the breeding it's become a conveyer belt for breeding if they had fully history my god they would double the price. For f**k sake lads slating the man then ungrateful c**ts if he pulled up at a show in the morning with a van load of pups for sale the same c**ts knocking him would be first in line.

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1 hour ago, chesney said:

Are we back on this subject again the the tattoo was deterrent against dog robbers the micro chip more or less for the same reason as it's easy copy the tattoo also the is an identification of whether the pup was bred in that particular yard like dogs that were and then sold on the man was told the pup had died only couple years down the line ta get a phone call of lads  with the chip number of a dog that supposedly died thechip helped identify that particular dog or bitch and what it's out of. As for Peds why should anyone that's bred a line for decades give out the full history of a lifetime of work look what's happened with lads that bought multiple bitchs and dogs of the breeding it's become a conveyer belt for breeding if they had fully history my god they would double the price. For f**k sake lads slating the man then ungrateful c**ts if he pulled up at a show in the morning with a van load of pups for sale the same c**ts knocking him would be first in line.

What good does it do hiding a ped from someone? What so they have to come back to you for another dog? And who cares what the next man does with his dog's, with or without a ped they will sell it if they want to. Not telling one atleast 3 or 4 gens on there dog means they will breed it to what they think is right and end up f***ing up the line. The line one man worked so hard to build. Then what happens next? They will be none left except for the smart ones that got breeding stock and stick to it. It makes absolutely no sense at all. But pure childish and jealous behavior is all it is. Do i think the breeder should tell you how and what he used to make the dog's? No i don't. Why give out the recipe to just anyone. But if your willing to gift or sell a pup or dog and tell the person you will get 3 gen ped on your dog then he should give it. To many jealous folks in this breed of dog. And the patterdale is the only breed ive seen so many jealous and insecure pricks in. Not the pits, not the jacks nor the mals or shep or rotts just these little black dog's. And it's mainly the line that we can't mention. A real sad group of folks that's forsure.

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I honestly don't believe for one minute that anyone got anything direct was ever told they be given a 3 gen pedigree that's something that's come from your side of the water. The jealousy and bitterness is coming from sources for different reasons everyone seems ta have there own agenda with the black dogs but if you honestly believe that the bitterness and bs that goes with them only started with this line of dog  your well mistaken it was there when booth Gould and Nuttall were flavour of the month. That line  was always about it's only in the last 7 to 8 year it hit the production lines end of through others who sourced it from the original breeder there the ones people should take aim at there the ones selling lads the dream there the ones  mentioning Peds and all the other bs there the ones made it national this side there ones went global by selling it to your side. Then a couple got clever your side and got it direct out of the yard itself and your problem now is someone told you they had 3 gen pedigree well what he was told was how to continue itfor 3 Generations a big difference. As for the pitbull scene they ran that into the ground themselves.

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I have heard a lot about this line,never seen it go but i would llike to ask where has it originated from ie nuttal ,gould parkes ect.theres a lad in wales seems to be having a good few sent over from ireland seems if you got enough coin they are pretty easy to get hold of so im told

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1 hour ago, All-terrain said:

Cheney you put some of the worst pics on here I've ever seen so on that note your full of shit and in my opinion should never be allowed back on here again or to even walk a terrier ye cabbage 

Right you before ya start stick the name calling I should never of up that pic 100% Il agree with ya I apologized to the lads I have respect over it as for the dog in question I put a pic of the very same dog on here last week nowan batted an eye why was that cause I know how ta take care and look after dogs now you go f**k of.

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