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tank, 3 years old

Just got him out, just over 8 hours...... home bath, pjs on then bed.....

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Lee dog, Hope you dog turns out a good un atb.any breeding and work rate in the ones below,i only ask that Or be missing what the were made originly for and not looks, only to some,etc.

Lee dog, Hope you dog turns out a good un atb.any breeding and work rate in the ones below,i only ask that Or be missing what the were made originly for and not looks, only to some,etc.

pablo if your asking me what's he's breeding it's nuttall x gould was shown peds and both parents but the man I got him off only bushes so all i can do is wait and hope on him making it found a couple of terrier men to show me the road to travel Edited by leethedog
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Fair play lee d. Iam not trying to be smart or out ,but try be normal when out and dont get sucked in by some fellas or names, And give your dog the chance he need and you mightn look back, Hard to know ,good luck

yeah thanks not being rude but I'm 40 years of age no young buck with anything to prove and I'll wait till he shows me he is ready no rush to get him in
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