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New Hob

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Well I have just been offered a new hob to add to my collection. He is older than my two I have at the moment and is ALOT bigger. He is an outstanding worker (seemingly). That to me sounds pretty good other than the fact the lad said that he doesnt get on with other ferrets too well... especially other hobs. We have 3 hutches one with the 2 hobs (i was hoping the new one could join) 1 with 3 jills (not big enough for anymore than them) and one with a jill and some early kits (definatly a NO) Im working on getting another hutch or two to add for the kits and possibly this hob. But I was wondering if there was a way that he could live in harmony with the other hobs? Or is it just no?




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lad said that he doesnt get on with other ferrets too well... especially other hobs.





think that answers your question, ok you could put him in a seperate hutch, but what about when ferreting, with what you have already, plus kitts, why take on another problem

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