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Cabbage stalking

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Sunday morning saw me off to the market garden at first light ,before going digging ,the main event of my Sundays now .Arrived to see a glorious sunrise over a foggy carpet on the lower ground.Deer slots every where but it wasnt until i was near the far boundary that i glassed any out grazing .Three roe were on the cabbages ,munching away like it was their god given right to be there :D .A young buck ,an elderly doe and a young doe ,probably both hers from last year .

I was still a good way off and the back drop wasnt there so a gradually stalk in to roughly 150 yds up over the ground which meant i was now looking slightly down at them .Better backdrop so i knelt down and took the old doe through the chest ,dropping her instantly .The buck took a few paces right handed to the wood and stared in my direction but the other doe kept her head down feeding :blink:

I took her also and found she had a mouthful of cabbage stalk .Gralloched them and moved on, leaving them for truck collection .

Around a corner i saw another buck and doe .The doe was sky lined so i made my presence known ,hoping they would run to the fence ,offering a good backdrop in a dip .I had to wait for them to move as they wernt in any hurry but they did and i shot the doe as planned .Picked up all three and drove straight to the dealers .

Arrived at my mates house at 0900 for the days digging to commence . :D


If you look at the cabbages here you can see why the farmers a tad annoyed by the deer .




Edited by foxdropper
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Well done. I bet your farmer would be a happy guy now, veg farmers seem to be the hardest to please of the lot. :clapper:




Well Mark ,you are spot on .Hes always moaning about something ,be it deer ,pigeons or rabbits .The rabbits have learnt to jump the electric fence ,a fact which he refuses to believe but ive sen them at it .The pigeons come first light when the gas guns off and the deer ,well they please themselves when they come and go. :D That makes for 22 deer shot on 7 acres in 4 months ,and still they come :D

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