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lamping comp'

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I know it may be a bitter pill for some to swallow and I may be courting trouble by mentioning this, but did I see somewhere that the lamping comp' was going to be filmed by an impartial bystander? I haven't seen it mentioned that any have been filmed so far and I for one would love to see the last couple of matches at least and see the dogs in action. Would anyone else be interested? Can anyone clarify this for me. thanks t36

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Guest lurchers n lamps

im sure i heard somewere that the matchs were being filmed i think the videos got posted on the hunters united forum(anyone correct me if im wrong)

but id also be intrested to see a dvd bein made

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Guest world.hunters

as far as i know non was filmed it would of been a good record to keep and just to look back at in a few years, hopefully next year it will be sorted 100% before hand as this was the first comp so there was bound to be a few teething problems .



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Unfortunately nobody has had any of there heats filmed this year, we will prob try and get the final filmed, so there might be something for people to get their hands on from this years comp, maybe next year more people will enter and get the camcorders out........... :yes:

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funny that reading on HU three x members was at the tomo vs mb heat HU must be the new site on the up and up

? so how many people were present at the tomo vs mb heat in all willow?

I thought the rule was the two competing, 1 judge (and where feasible 1 person filming), minimum number of four?


Also LDR, who will be doing the filming? If folks are paying for the dvd don't want some amateur with shaky hands and second rate camcorder doing it. Can you get someone who knows what they are doing to film it?

So many lads and lasses have missed out badly already with the lack of available good quality footage, it would be nice to see for selves?

thanks muchly t36

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