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hi all just thaught i'd share this, i have recently started a new job in a bar and was talking to my new manager he asked me about my hobbies so i told him i have just started runnig dogs after a little chat it turns out he used to do a little lamping, but anyway he used to work in a hotel in southport and one year this was where the hare coursers of the waterloo cup decided to stay.(dnt now the name or year)


but whilst they where all at the hotel a large group of anti's decended on the hotel vandalised all the crs and i mean vandelised with paint stripper bats even trying to set them on fire!

my manager realised that a back door was open ran to lock it and as he got there an anti was trying to get in! he pushed the door and the anti got his arm in and was waveing a stanley blade at my manager!!

screaming your helping them kill!


while this was happening a receptionist called the police who arrived quite quickly and disperced the situation my manager spoke to one of the police about the anti and gave him the finger as the police searched and took him away in handcuffs!


i just thort id share this as it shows that whenever the cameras are on its always a hunt supporter that gets cought on it but when nobody is looking the anti's are even worse but we still get the bad name!!!




good hunting


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Guest Elma Fudd

there all w*****s [bANNED TEXT]

got nowt else better do

should be worrying about there fellow human beings,plenty of kids dieing in the world,and there worried a bout a few hares that probably get treated better than me & you


thats my tuppence worth....thanks for listening ;-)

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They're b*****ds all of them,I expect that took place around 1991-1993 thats when they hit cheshire and surrounding areas bad due to Mike Hill getting bumped,some of the stuff they got up to makes your hair stand on end and no matter how hard you are when there's100-200 of them outside your house wanting to get inside its fecking scary

yis chris

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Not a nice situation to be in hahah i put me neck on the line about 3 or 4 waterloo cups back, none of me school m8s were into the dogs so i bunked and jumped the train down formby ways, when i got out there i was a bit lost, stopped an ole bloke to ask him best way to travel, as we were chatting and he was scratching is head at the prospect of walking such a long way, a young woman pulled up in a bmw. She wound down the window and asked politley they best way to the dog racing? I could see from her pink helly hanson that she was one of them, and the large plackard on the back seat reading 'You've finaly Met You Waterloo' confirmed it. Smelly anti was on the tip of my younge but then i realised i might be able to blag this :whistle: The old gent suggested ' this young chaps on his way there now he can take you' 'Oh smashing!! the anti replied do you need a lift?' ''Well if your offering hahaha''

So with all the info the old fella blessed me with, i directed Mrs Save The World to the coursing grounds. Not once did she assume i was a supporter, and once we got on the road leading in she turned the car into a slip road on the right full of antis!!! There were tv crews and some loser dressed as a hare, Greeted by the some old fella who'd just given an interview to of them cameras he told me how glad he was that the younger generation were standing up for whats right. :D I was even offered a cup of tea from a womans flask. I wormed my way out of the crowd and walked down the road, hoping to see a driver dressed in camo's, finaly a local lad went passed he stopped and asked where am off i said the cup, he asked dubiously. '' not one of them f****n carrot munchers r ya?'' haha safe in the knowledge i was there for the right reasons we drove in. Met up with me m8s and had a crackin day. Best part of all?? Seein the very woman who drove me in's face when she seen me on t'uther side of fence, it would of taken more than the riot squad to calm her down she was fuming!!!

:rolleyes: Nuggets






Ant :good:

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:good: nice story mate!


tarmac am bout 15 mins from southport if ur mate ever needs a huntin buddy just pm me am always up for it! ;) lol


these anti's piss me off theres one that lives by a field by me she always comes out to us!


just wait i no wer my next couple of bunnies r goin!!;) lol


keep huntin


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Diffrernt world out there mate, soon as they see ur lurcher and hear ur accent theyre disgusted. Just scousers in denial me thinks hahah having said that there are quite a few decent dog men up there. Just not easy gettin permission these days specialy when ya younger


Ahh well try try and try again eh ..







Ant :ph34r:

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i was up in london on a protest well wer all in the pub aving a drink and i looked up at the bar and theres thees two fellers with t shirts on saying save the fox *** hunting cheeky b......ds up i goes and tels them if they dont fukoff their having it and they went luky all the boys didnt see them because they wood av killd them and that would have made us look evan wors but [bANNED TEXT] i think back id wish wed hammerd the ba....ds now y.i.s ben :good:

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tw*ts in eh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The pig ignorant city tw*ts who no nothing of animal cruelty judge country peoplr as smelly farm people

Last nite on bbc 1 or 2 a program called grumpy old men was full of the wank*rs they dont know wat they talk about is a load of sh*t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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