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Rouge Dealers

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Did anyone see the programme on rouge dealers the other night? if not it was about dog breeders.

Personally, I thought it was terrible the way that anyone can just breed a dog and get away with the horrific conditions and illnessess some of these dogs are in, and sold in.


I have recently bought a springer and I was lucky enough to know the breeder and I saw the mother, father and grandfather of the dog I bought, and a wonderful dog he is to. Am so glad that these matters are being brought to the attention of people as it is so easy for anyone to just go and buy a dog.

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Did anyone see the programme on rouge dealers the other night? if not it was about dog breeders.

Personally, I thought it was terrible the way that anyone can just breed a dog and get away with the horrific conditions and illnessess some of these dogs are in, and sold in.


I have recently bought a springer and I was lucky enough to know the breeder and I saw the mother, father and grandfather of the dog I bought, and a wonderful dog he is to. Am so glad that these matters are being brought to the attention of people as it is so easy for anyone to just go and buy a dog.


yeah i watched it, like half the pups they got died that week. thought it was bad like.

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Did anyone see the programme on rouge dealers the other night? if not it was about dog breeders.

Personally, I thought it was terrible the way that anyone can just breed a dog and get away with the horrific conditions and illnessess some of these dogs are in, and sold in.


I have recently bought a springer and I was lucky enough to know the breeder and I saw the mother, father and grandfather of the dog I bought, and a wonderful dog he is to. Am so glad that these matters are being brought to the attention of people as it is so easy for anyone to just go and buy a dog.


yeah i watched it, like half the pups they got died that week. thought it was bad like.


Really dont understand why there is nothing in place for more control over the breeding of dogs to ensure that all dogs are sold in good health and that there is no suffering.

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Did anyone see the programme on rouge dealers the other night? if not it was about dog breeders.

Personally, I thought it was terrible the way that anyone can just breed a dog and get away with the horrific conditions and illnessess some of these dogs are in, and sold in.


I have recently bought a springer and I was lucky enough to know the breeder and I saw the mother, father and grandfather of the dog I bought, and a wonderful dog he is to. Am so glad that these matters are being brought to the attention of people as it is so easy for anyone to just go and buy a dog.

we in the working dog world get called by the antis , lacs, rspca, etc , when you see programs like the one in question and the kc one a couple of months back , it enforces My belief that are way of life is right and the care we take of the animals we use are bred to a high standard , from pups to the day they die in the majority they are welcared for and live the life that they were put on the earth for , ;)
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Did anyone see the programme on rouge dealers the other night? if not it was about dog breeders.

Personally, I thought it was terrible the way that anyone can just breed a dog and get away with the horrific conditions and illnessess some of these dogs are in, and sold in.


I have recently bought a springer and I was lucky enough to know the breeder and I saw the mother, father and grandfather of the dog I bought, and a wonderful dog he is to. Am so glad that these matters are being brought to the attention of people as it is so easy for anyone to just go and buy a dog.

we in the working dog world get called by the antis , lacs, rspca, etc , when you see programs like the one in question and the kc one a couple of months back , it enforces My belief that are way of life is right and the care we take of the animals we use are bred to a high standard , from pups to the day they die in the majority they are welcared for and live the life that they were put on the earth for , ;)


I quite agree, I have two springers and although the older dog is mainly a pet as he is my husbands dog, I have every intention of my pup being worked, asi know the enjoyment they get out of it. i am very much the country girl whereas my husband is more the townie, theres nothing more i than to train my dog to the whistle and for him to have the opportunity to go beating etc, also so that when my son is old enough he can continue with the dog and take hime shooting, ferreting etc.

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puppy farms are bad news but shurely when people go to these places and see all the different breeds of dogs their selling they must know the puppies arent going to be best of health or socialized their just in it for the money greedy b*****ds make me sick but if we keep buying pups they will keep breeding scum

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Did anyone see the programme on rouge dealers the other night? if not it was about dog breeders.

Personally, I thought it was terrible the way that anyone can just breed a dog and get away with the horrific conditions and illnessess some of these dogs are in, and sold in.


I have recently bought a springer and I was lucky enough to know the breeder and I saw the mother, father and grandfather of the dog I bought, and a wonderful dog he is to. Am so glad that these matters are being brought to the attention of people as it is so easy for anyone to just go and buy a dog.


yeah i watched it, like half the pups they got died that week. thought it was bad like.


Really dont understand why there is nothing in place for more control over the breeding of dogs to ensure that all dogs are sold in good health and that there is no suffering.

i agree 100%

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I have recently bought a springer and I was lucky enough to know the breeder and I saw the mother, father and grandfather of the dog I bought, and a wonderful dog he is to. Am so glad that these matters are being brought to the attention of people as it is so easy for anyone to just go and buy a dog.

we in the working dog world get called by the antis , lacs, rspca, etc , when you see programs like the one in question and the kc one a couple of months back , it enforces My belief that are way of life is right and the care we take of the animals we use are bred to a high standard , from pups to the day they die in the majority they are welcared for and live the life that they were put on the earth for , ;)

youve summed it up mate in this post, as for the so called do gooders antis rspca ect there a disgrace and an embarrasment for what they stand for, the anties have done more damage to the wildlife of the u.k than anyone with there releasin off mink. the rspca should be more concerned with these programmes and acting on it ...though i wouldnt hold me breath.

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Guest Catcher

Did anyone see the programme on rouge dealers the other night? if not it was about dog breeders.

Personally, I thought it was terrible the way that anyone can just breed a dog and get away with the horrific conditions and illnessess some of these dogs are in, and sold in.


I have recently bought a springer and I was lucky enough to know the breeder and I saw the mother, father and grandfather of the dog I bought, and a wonderful dog he is to. Am so glad that these matters are being brought to the attention of people as it is so easy for anyone to just go and buy a dog.



My dear old Mother god bless her.She got a king charels from one of thease pricks about ten years ago.For the six years she had it.Before haveing to get it put to sleep urged by the vet.And i would like to say the vet did the right thing.He could have kept taking her money becuase it was a walking vet bill from day one.I give him his due he tryed just about every thing on this dog over the years.Not for the cash but to keep an old lady a good friend.I wanted to go and pay the seller a visit but she would not hear of it.One lucky f*****g so called seller. :angry::angry::angry:

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