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don southerd robbed!!

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When you think about what these imagrants have experienced in there own country, "familys being blown up etc" they have no emotion and when they'v experienced that kind of thing what can anyone else do to hurt them, scary shit i think, there will be alot more blood on the streets to come.


Australia have got the right idea.


Sorry to hear about don, best wishes to him n his family. :thumbs:

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  carp777 said:
i'm sure the members of this would like to wish old don southerd a speedy recovery, after being savagley beaten and robbed at his home yesterday, apparently three i won't say men, feckin mongrel's of foreign origin accosted don while he was feeding his dog's, dragged him into his house and savagley beat him, and held a gun to his head until he handed over the content's of his safe, i really hope that the police get stuck into this one and catch the b*****ds. it make's my blood boil just thinking about it, the f*****g politician's just have'nt got a clue to what animal's their letting into this country, it's about time all immigration was stopped by the way don is 75 years old, and the scum have done this it make's me sick just thinking about it.

it may not have been immigrants after all, the leader had a gold tooth, and they were thought to be driving a pick up. i'll keep you updated on any information as and when i can, don's got an enlarged liver broken rib's, and the one leg is swollen to twice it's size, and a full boot print on his chest they beat him for half an hour til he told them where the safe key was

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In wonder land that might happen, but not in this country, Don is so respected by all who have had the pleasure of coming second against him, Don ruled the coursing game for many years, He was a postman, for 40 years, and DBP lost against this man as did most, I for one have never seen any evidence that he was ever beaten in competition, in his prime, Brian said on the day when you challenge the best look forward to coming second, Bless his heart Don is such a lovely gent, but as for the comments above because he is so liked unfortunately justice will be done, but not by the way it should be dealt with, I have had many phone calls tonight, and it would be nice to think that the law will deal with this matter, but we all know the laws an ass. God help them or ala.


Bring on the posse string them up.

Edited by Graham Nicholson
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"I for one have never seen any evidence that he was ever beaten in competition,"


Tony H. beat him with his old Turk bitch, Joe T.'s Sniper beat him and the rest of the field to win the '97 Forley cup and he was also defeated, along with many others in one of the doubled up competitions I was at in the late '90's, but that's beside the point. He doesn't deserve this treatment at the hands of scum who have obviously achieved nothing with their lives if they have to resort to robbing pensioners.

Get well soon Don!

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  carp777 said:
  carp777 said:
i'm sure the members of this would like to wish old don southerd a speedy recovery, after being savagley beaten and robbed at his home yesterday, apparently three i won't say men, feckin mongrel's of foreign origin accosted don while he was feeding his dog's, dragged him into his house and savagley beat him, and held a gun to his head until he handed over the content's of his safe, i really hope that the police get stuck into this one and catch the b*****ds. it make's my blood boil just thinking about it, the f*****g politician's just have'nt got a clue to what animal's their letting into this country, it's about time all immigration was stopped by the way don is 75 years old, and the scum have done this it make's me sick just thinking about it.

it may not have been immigrants after all, the leader had a gold tooth, and they were thought to be driving a pick up. i'll keep you updated on any information as and when i can, don's got an enlarged liver broken rib's, and the one leg is swollen to twice it's size, and a full boot print on his chest they beat him for half an hour til he told them where the safe key was

Weather it was immigrants or not, there must be more to this than meets the eye, they must have known about the safe prior to the breakin.

Maybe someone he knows or used to know was involved, even as n outside party.

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  carp777 said:
i'm sure the members of this would like to wish old don southerd a speedy recovery, after being savagley beaten and robbed at his home yesterday, apparently three i won't say men, feckin mongrel's of foreign origin accosted don while he was feeding his dog's, dragged him into his house and savagley beat him, and held a gun to his head until he handed over the content's of his safe, i really hope that the police get stuck into this one and catch the b*****ds. it make's my blood boil just thinking about it, the f*****g politician's just have'nt got a clue to what animal's their letting into this country, it's about time all immigration was stopped by the way don is 75 years old, and the scum have done this it make's me sick just thinking about it.



Hi i hope old don a speedy recovery.Did you know if they catch thease scumbags.Under europen law.If they are from europe thet can not be deported.Eaven after being jailed.Iam not rasist but surely the P.C goverment can see we are full to brakeing point :wallbash: .If the goverment put as much time and money into this problem as they did banning our Feild Sports.We may have a little bit more respect for them. :drink: NO wonder i take a swally.

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