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My court construction


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well guys and gals i have almost finnshed the court i started months ago so here is the construction up untill now all it needs is to be lifted into place and painted up so it looks presentable.. more for the wife then the ferrest i dontthink they give a dam. lol oh and to date its only cost me £12.40 everything is reclaimed form here there and everywhere going to show it does not have to cost a fortune just patience and a lot of asking aout.


starting off with a simple 2x2 reclaimed timber frame with high fitted door to stop escapee's.




then being panelled with tongue and groove from the old starters hut from the hote and golf club i work at.




then from work some pipework for them to play in.




then for the meshto keep the buggers in.




now the walkway for them to go from hutch in the shed to outside area.




lockable from the inside so i can kep them in or out depending on where im cleaning.




time for the concrete base with drain for ease of cleaning.




pictures of the hutch inside the shed attached to the wall where pipe from outside area will connect with the back.




moe pipework added and a test run from tiger.




finnaly a roof to keep them dry




now all in place and painted up looks smart now i think






woodchip added around the exterior to tidy it up



Breeding quarters made frm the top level of the hutch making it into 2 seperate hutches






Edited by moses
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Thats excellent i am going to have a gao at something similar in the next few months, should keep me out of trouble :laugh:



A woman with power tools :gunsmilie::gunsmilie:


Dont forget the cable ties & the staple gun :laugh:

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Think that chicken wire will give you some trouble mate better spending the cash and buying proper mesh



trust me they wont be getting out of there its a very high gauge i had trouble cutting it with proper cutters plus they cannot get at it as there is a wood base 2 feet up.


stealthy i think it will probably be blue to blend in with the old fence.

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good on you for thinking of the ferrets,


but Id replace to bottom panel, looks like veneered chipboard?, will bloat and break after getting damp, ideal escape route


no the bottom pannel is mahogay used to be shelving from my school when i was a boy my dad is now the caretaker there and its all been replaced, the whole frame is the same so will last a lifetime.

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good on you for thinking of the ferrets,


but Id replace to bottom panel, looks like veneered chipboard?, will bloat and break after getting damp, ideal escape route


no the bottom pannel is mahogay used to be shelving from my school when i was a boy my dad is now the caretaker there and its all been replaced, the whole frame is the same so will last a lifetime.



sorry stubby just saw what you meant under the hutch... that is just a shelve that is not attached to it in anyway just that its under the hutch.

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