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CZ .17HMR Silhouette

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The varmint is quite alot cheaper if I remember rightly.

Also dont need any extras I'll get them very cheap elsewhere


So how much would anyone pay for this particular rifle? CZ .17HMR Silhouette 20" Barrel? Is £375 a good price? how about £300?





Edited by elvolcan
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I have EXACTLY that rifle, got in in August last year, probably the first in the UK...I did a deal as the RFD owed me a favour, £265, a free slip and a free box of ammo...but times have changes ..and so have exchange rates.


But frankly I still think £375 is a bit steep!! :hmm:



You probably know, but that CZ Silhouette above is a .22LR, the HMR has a different stock and bigger magazine, but close enough to get an idea!! :thumbs:

Edited by Deker
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So would you say £300 is a resonable price to try to get the gun for? or £325 perhaps?


Do you think you could post a picture of your cz .17hmr silhouette? I cant seem to find a picture of it anywhere , maybe because its still a bit rare. All I see is the .22lr version. It would be nice to see what it actully looks like before i tell them to order one in.

Thanks for your help :)



Also a fair price for a new ruger 10/22 black synthetic .22lr would be good , as I will get them both - best price so far is £250 , any good?


Thanks again

Edited by elvolcan
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So would you say £300 is a resonable price to try to get the gun for?


Do you think you could post a picture of your cz .17hmr silhouette? I cant seem to find a picture of it anywhere , maybe because its still a bit rare. All I see is the .22lr version. It would be nice to see what it actully looks like before i tell them to order one in.

Thanks for your help :)



Also a fair price for a new ruger 10/22 black synthetic .22lr would be good , as I will get them both - best price so far is £250 , any good?


Thanks again



Don't think I have seen a picture of it either, and according to the CZ website it does not exist...good to see they keep their site so up to date!!!!!!


I'll try and get a picture or two taken and posted, but you will still have to look hard to see the differences, probably take me a couple of days!!


I suspect, if you can get one for £300 now it's a pretty good deal...AND I forgot...I also got a spare magazine thrown in with my deal, so pretty happy all round, especially as I put 4 shots in the same hole at 100 yards on Saturday...see if I can get a picture taken of that as well!!


(don't do that every day, but would expect 3 touching shots on a normal good day) :thumbs:

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hi i paid £350 for the exact same rifle but with the 16" barrel instead. correct me if im wrong but the shorter barrel costs more because they get re-cut threaded an crowned. unless theyre now shipping them over like that. i would try to haggle the price if i were you

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I think this is a picture of a CZ .17HMR Silhouette - finally found one looking on guntrader (thanks for that) , although this one has a 16" barrel.



On gun trader the cheapest new one (CZ .17HMR Silhouette 20" Barrel) is £320 from Wiltshire Shoting Centre, so i think £300 is reasonable price to try and get.

Edited by elvolcan
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I think this is a picture of a CZ .17HMR Silhouette - finally found one looking on guntrader (thanks for that) , although this one has a 16" barrel.



On gun trader the cheapest new one (CZ .17HMR Silhouette 20" Barrel) is £320 from Wiltshire Shoting Centre, so i think £300 is reasonable price to try and get.



:clapper: Looks like it to me..extra checkering (well ..rough bits anyway) on the forestock and palm grip...and that magazine says HMR/WMR! :thumbs::thumbs:


EDIT..there are one or two more on Guntrader now a bit cheaper..especially that dealer in Ayreshire who is always cheap.....interestingly the Wiltshire Shooting Centre £320 Silhouette shows a picture of a "Style" :hmm:

Edited by Deker
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Thats really great thanks deker, excellent to see the comparison before I buy one. :)


Nice HMR by the way - is it with a SAK mod and a Harris Bipod in that pic?


Also just out of curiousity which scope do you have mounted on each one?



The Bipod is Harris notched legs...


Scopes on BOTH are Hawke Varmint II, .22LR 3-12x44, and HMR 4-16x44


Mod you can see on HMR is a Sirocco, .22LR has a SAK.


See my picture just posted on Show us your CZ's for a bit more...


Also just posted the zero session for the HMR!! :thumbs:

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