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Only i would only buy a dog off someone i either know or a pup off dogs i know.

It may sound a little daft like but there are plenty of breeders out there that we have all heard of so what would encourage

somebody to go to such a farm?

I was looking through my local paper just yesterday and found "For sale colliemations 3 weeks, ready to view now"?????

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Only i would only buy a dog off someone i either know or a pup off dogs i know.

It may sound a little daft like but there are plenty of breeders out there that we have all heard of so what would encourage

somebody to go to such a farm?

I was looking through my local paper just yesterday and found "For sale colliemations 3 weeks, ready to view now"?????

Sign of the times now matey, mongrels have become fashionable.


Just give then a daft fecking name, Labradoodle, Springador, etc, and you can get good money for them these days.


Whatever happened to pups from accidental matings being offered 'free to good home?'

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Only i would only buy a dog off someone i either know or a pup off dogs i know.

It may sound a little daft like but there are plenty of breeders out there that we have all heard of so what would encourage

somebody to go to such a farm?

I was looking through my local paper just yesterday and found "For sale colliemations 3 weeks, ready to view now"?????

Sign ofo the times now matey, mongrels have become fashionable.


Just give then a daft fecking name, Labradoodle, Springador, etc, and you can get good money for them these days.


Whatever happened to pups from accidental matings being offered 'free to good home?'



cockerpoos on preloved £1000 each its a joke

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Weren't most of the dogs in that program bought as 'pure breds'? seem to remember that one was cocker spaniel and the other was a king charles?


I guess that people will have to learn that they need to ask the breeder some questions before putting any money down, like paper work, to see the parents and so on. Yesterday, I had a family coming here to have a look at my bitch that is in pup, the sire and one of the dogs that I kept back from the last mating but these people have done their research before the pups are even born...



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Only i would only buy a dog off someone i either know or a pup off dogs i know.

It may sound a little daft like but there are plenty of breeders out there that we have all heard of so what would encourage

somebody to go to such a farm?

I was looking through my local paper just yesterday and found "For sale colliemations 3 weeks, ready to view now"?????



most decent breeders will give 6 weeks free insurance with a puppy now.


i saw that add for colliemations to :blink:


If you get your pups jabbed at the vets they give you free 6 weeks insurance so if breeders get the pups first jab before you get it thats how they get free insurance

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Watched it but still cannot believe that people are stupid enough to part with any money without seeing parents, obtaining a vax card. Like some have already said, proper breeders dont let pups til until they are 8 weeks old, have 1st vax & 6 weeks free ins. That cav king charles didnt look right to start with.If people stopped been so naive they'd go out of business.


Best go to some one you know or do without.

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When we were thinking about lining our dogs it was because we wanted to keep a couple and had space to keep more, the

litter was just about sold before she had them. Everyone that bought a dog had seen both parents and both parents work.

I know plenty of genuine dog breeders out there who I have bought dogs off and seen both parents, and almost every time I have seen the pup more than once before taking it home.


I just don't get the whole puppy farm idea

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When we were thinking about lining our dogs it was because we wanted to keep a couple and had space to keep more, the

litter was just about sold before she had them. Everyone that bought a dog had seen both parents and both parents work.

I know plenty of genuine dog breeders out there who I have bought dogs off and seen both parents, and almost every time I have seen the pup more than once before taking it home.


I just don't get the whole puppy farm idea

sadly these puppy farms are very common. The pups are produced to the lowest possible standard for the least amount of money, and invariably fetch prices that are the same as well bred, lovingly reared, health tested parents, pups from responsible caring breeders. trouble is most of the types who buy them either dont have enough sense to research their breed/breeders 1st...or, more often, they are impulse purchases with little forethought. The day that petshops are stopped from selling puppies will be the 1st day forward in banning puppy farming.

The BBC missed a fantastic opportunity with this programme, to educate the public about where to go and find a well bred puppy from health tested parents thats been well raised for the right reasons. Ins tead they decided to tell the public theyd be better of going to the rescue centre. :thumbdown: There was a lot of bad information and a lot of opportunities missed with this programme, which was very sad as they really could have done much more if they had researched the issue more carefully and actually spoken with those who know about such things.

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ive heard and saw people doctor pedigrees and sell them on for more money shocking realy ,dont like peole whojust breed for money and nort welfare of an animal ,you should only reproduce if they are worth breeding ie god working animals at there chosen game

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all kc registered pups get there six weeks insurance from the kennel club not the breeder


Didnt know about KC none of my dogs are! I think if you see a load of different breeds running around you'd think summit was wrong. Me and ladyhunter where on about it last night and she said people shouldnt be so stupid??? lol

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