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ferret finders?

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fox hunter here i was trained by a very good poacher we poached full moons where we had no permission ive been ferreting a long time before ferret finders ever came out you spend best half of the time on your hands and knees listening at the burrows and keeping close watch on your terriers we often used a long line its a long chord its only in the last coulpe of years 6or7 years that i started to use locators if that can help you so you can ferret without locators and not leave your ferret behind you :clapper:

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i mean how did people get them back before locators were invented? im pretty sure they wernt around a couple of hundred years ago. anyway never mind, its hard to get a straight answer off some people.


as I dont know anyone thats a couple of hundred years old, I cant answer that one, but Im presuming that nowdays, ferret keepers care a bit more about their ferrets, way back then, maybe they shugged their shoulders and went home, the question will get answers giving you pro's and con's, its a bit like me asking you, have you a mobile phone or computer, and do you really need one, after all, people got on fine for years before they came along, :hmm:

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Used ferts without locators(for a short period)..for me i prefer to know where the fert(s) are.First had a mk1 in '86 most of my "mates" thought locators were a expensive outlay might of been £50 or so at the time but i've always valued any animal iv'e owned that's the way iv'e been brought up.

I ain't saying you need a locator but if you value your ferts it's the best thing to do....IMO :)

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i agree that if you take on an animal then you have an obligation to take the best care you can of that animal, and if i was working ferrets then id have the locators as well as id not want to leave it in the field. sorry if ive come across as a bit of a nob and i think i should of re-worded the question as i wanted to know how you would get your ferts back without locators. any way my questions have been answered now so thanks, thank god for technology :good:

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i used to use a locator when i 1st started ferreting. now i don't bother. i have ferrets that don't lay up and will come to the whistle. it's easy to train your ferrets to come back to the whistle if they don't lay up, just whistle before u feed them then if one goes missing in the field a quick few whistles and your ferret should soon come bounding back.


works for me anyway and have never lost a ferret yet.


keeping quite is the biggest key to stop your ferrets laying up, standing down wind and out of sight also helps too.

Edited by simonbilly14
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