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ferret finders?

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and to the rest of you guys that answered my question, thanks. i havent got or really want any ferts but it was just a question as i like to know these things. i understand that if you want to keep your ferret and save yourself a lot of hard work then you need them but is there another way of getting them back (leaving food in a cage) or would you have to write the ferret off if it didny come out?

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or would you have to write the ferret off if it didny come out?


and you ask if a locator is needed :hmm:



would you write a terrier off, if it did'nt come out of a hole, or are they worth more

of course not but like i said is there a way of getting them to come out? ie leaving some bait in a cage. i mean how did people get them back before locators were invented? im pretty sure they wernt around a couple of hundred years ago. anyway never mind, its hard to get a straight answer off some people.

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Guest ferret feller

people didnt use them 50 years ago ever no such thing back a thousand years people ferreted successfully for generations and generations....


me i like locators makes finding lay ups much easyer and moving on quicker so more rabbits for me....

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or would you have to write the ferret off if it didny come out?


and you ask if a locator is needed :hmm:



would you write a terrier off, if it did'nt come out of a hole, or are they worth more

of course not but like i said is there a way of getting them to come out? ie leaving some bait in a cage. i mean how did people get them back before locators were invented? im pretty sure they wernt around a couple of hundred years ago. anyway never mind, its hard to get a straight answer off some people.


To be honest mate you are being pretty obscure i your question and answers. Personally I would never leave home without a locator. As previously said, if you value your ferrets or dont want to lose a rabbit thats been killed underground then they are a godsend. Yes there are people who ferret without them but in my opinion that is irresposible. Technology advances so wy should we not use it in the field?

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i personally dont use oneand a few others dont on here, its really down personal preference and also if you ferret does kill often, if it does then i would suggest one or a ferret that doesnt kill.


most people i know if their ferret does lay up and they dont use a locator either use a bramble branch to find out where it is in the small warrens or using a dog to mark where abouts.


But as alot will agree it is best not have a ferret lay up in the first place.

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When ever I find a stray ferret wandering around, it never has a collar on, but then if it had a collar on, would it be wandering around in the first place?



Good point there stealthy.... would people take more care if they had £50 of kit hanging around their ferrets neck?

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