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Working Lurchers and Terrier Show Wiltshire

Guest world.hunters

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Guest world.hunters

im orginising a show this year hopefully for a couple months time will take place in wiltshire.


im looking for a working dogmen to judge the show


working lurcher judge

working terrier judge


must be genuine hunters that have been in the game along time and know what there looking for in a WORKING dog.


also looking for any trade stands that may want to attened and also displays such as falconry, gun dogs etc.


PM ME if you could help in anyway.



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Guest mickyrichardson
Iv planned on writing books for years mate but would be writing one on my own dog for a long time mate. but there is other things in the pipelines.



;) Edited by mickyrichardson
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Guest world.hunters

like i said mate im not writing a book about my own dogs for a long time.


i am writing a book soon based on other peoples experiences a compilation of other peoples stories experiences and tales of hunting. but its all just an idea as of now.



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Guest mickyrichardson
like i said mate im not writing a book about my own dogs for a long time.


i am writing a book soon based on other peoples experiences a compilation of other peoples stories experiences and tales of hunting. but its all just an idea as of now.



;) just read it wrong my apologies good luck ;)
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i aint a kid smoogle, from what iv read you act more immature then a lot of the younger members on here.


no exact date sorted yet but hoping sometime in april.



Doubt you will get too many serious replies or firm bookings until you say a date as most people doing demos or with stands, are booked up well well in advnce......I know Im booked into 2010!!

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