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Guest sushie

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Guest sushie

Can anyone help? I have read about bullseye snares, do they have a very small noose? would they have to be set very accurately so they werent knocked over? Basically what are they? :unsure::unsure::unsure:

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Bullseye snares where a gimmick made up by the Warrener to sell a video :yes: .In his video you see him checking bulls eye snares ,taking rabbits out of the snares with aparently "broken necks".All the rabbits caught in the Bullseye snares had been placed in those snares to make it look as though the snares had killed the rabbits instantly(an impossablity).Theres never been a snare made that will brake a rabbits neck.

So basecally the Warrener is a BULLSHITER and BULLSEYE snares dont work and never will :icon_redface:

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Guest Geordie

Ive watched that video with the bullseye snares on it,always thought it was a bit far fetched ,i mean,a rabbit would have to be travelling at some speed to break its own kneck :laugh::laugh:

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Ive watched that video with the bullseye snares on it,always thought it was a bit far fetched ,i mean,a rabbit would have to be travelling at some speed to break its own kneck :laugh::laugh:

It would have to be traveling supersonic to brake its own kneck :yes::yes:

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