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how do i make a hide of naturaul materials around me such as fir tree branches and ivy stems. the hide in mind will be for shooting wood pigeons and squirrels on the ground with an airgun. should i make a frame or simply pile stuff around me? any links would be useful.

aaron ;)

Edited by aaronpigeonplucker
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not an expert but when making one its a good idea to use a army poncho to the rear of the hide so that your against a dark back ground, your movement in the hide to take a shot will be less likely to be spotted, apposed to a hide without a solid background as light will pass through and movement will be seen.

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i jst make up a frame with branches and saplings,cover it in foleage ivy and leafy branches and the like leaving gaps to shoot thru.id always wear camo gear too tho so you dont stand out thru the gaps.balaclava is esential imo too..not an expert bu thats how i do it nyway n its works pretty well.

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  • 1 month later...

Assuming you want a permanent hide then yes make a frame as the branches that you use to camoflage it will eventually die and will need replacing


we built one using timber and board then painted it camo style but always used to dress it with nets & foilage when we used to shoot from it

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I read this thread with interest and it reminded me of a lecture we had at the old " Game Conservatory " down in Fordingbridge Hants (back when I was trainning ). We had a visit from Mackenzie Thorpe the great wildfowler who told us that any hide no matter whatever made with, or how constructed ( so long as it is capabile of concealing you ) will become part of the landscape and therefore the wildlife will accept it.If you have permission to build one then any material will do. We have used last year garden panel fencing not camoflauged just erected and the weeds/grasses have surrounded them etc.If you do not have the permission to build then you have to make do with camo netting or use the natural cover available. Look for a depression in the ground big/deep enough to use and with a shovel/spade dig up clumps of nettle/tall dead grass with intact root etc and plant the around the depression. If you can make perminent hides then use anything, pallets. corrugated iron sheets, the wildlife will get used to it in a short time.make it out of the way of the farm vehicles so not to obstruct. Birds/wildlife are easy to fool and quickly become used to new additions to there environment. On our wetland areas we use factory waste dustbins for the shots to get into,the lids are closed when not in use to keep water out. easy to move about to new locations.as they are on wheels.... So in short use anything they will get used to it in a couple of days.

Edited by warm barrels
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i thinik your best bet would be get your mitts on a phew pallet boards nail them up in to the shape you want, drape a cheap ex army camo net over the top and pile as much vegetation on and around and intergrate it with the net. make sure you build it around you shootin position.

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