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First go at the moles

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Had my first pop at the moles over the past 3 days , got ten traps from flatpack (couldnt afford to buy in bulk from bethel fellas) straigtened the loops and pushed the trigger forward on them and off i went with my straight out the box traps(couldnt wait to weather them and was told you dont need to anyway)

After probing around for a couple of hours i had set them, went back the next day 3 tripped but no moles full of earth the traps were(any advice welcome to what i did wrong there)cleaned them out and reset them, back the next day and i had got 2, i was like a bairn in a sweet shop, i moved some that not been touched for the past 2 days and set them in diferent places(took my 2 moles still in trap home for pics so only had 8 traps left, not very profesional i know )back again and this time i had three with four tripped and filled(could have been seven out of eight traps), another question i have is when i dig for the tunnels i seem to block them any advice on best method of doing this would be welcome, anyway heres my catch, and its not just the moles that are caught now, i am hook line and sinker


day 2s moles



day 3s moles and one of them altogether



a couple were caught further back than the others, is it all to do with the trigger as it seems to be the smaller ones, so is it due to their size?

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well done! to stop the runs caveing in try to use a small spade or trawel(spelling) and dig dowm eather side of the run and lever the turf up so the blade of the spade doesent do thru the run but eather side of it then smooth off the run sides with your fingers and that should help but some times you will only ever find one side to the tunnel not to shure why this is but it will happen

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never worried about weathering my traps, when i get new ones put them in a bucket and pour on boiling water, that getsoff any oil and then bury them for a few days, normally where im going to use them, its a very satisfying feeling when the little man in velvet is nailed.well done mate good pics,

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as desertdog says it is very satisfing when you have caught. as for weathering traps i dont bother i use them stright out of the box the way i see it is that if i just chuck them in the ground they aint going to catch so i might as well put them in the mole runs where they have a chance of catching and they are weathering at the same time but then im no expert compaired to some people on here im only got about 120 in the ground at the moment

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Hi Hound , so you use them straight out the box (chinese Crap/ big cheese , I bet !! ) so you do not fine tune them ! and you have 120 of them in the ground ( weathering :clapper: ) I bet you are going to be up early in the morning :whistling: checking all those traps . so you are a professional Mole trapper then ?? , so when the rain is running down your back and soaking your under~pants and your fingers are numb and you still have got 4/6 hour,s to go , may~be 2 more farms / small holdings / golf course,s etc to check on , and may be a rat job in between ! , then you know you have made the grade (wannabe ) best regards CYNICAL (sorry if this sounds cynical , but I have had a really :censored: day , been tucked up by some body on a mole job again , found out it was a local lad who know,s diddley squat , see how long he last,s !! ) STEVE

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  stephen58 said:
Hi Hound , so you use them straight out the box (chinese Crap/ big cheese , I bet !! ) so you do not fine tune them ! and you have 120 of them in the ground ( weathering :clapper: ) I bet you are going to be up early in the morning :whistling: checking all those traps . so you are a professional Mole trapper then ?? , so when the rain is running down your back and soaking your under~pants and your fingers are numb and you still have got 4/6 hour,s to go , may~be 2 more farms / small holdings / golf course,s etc to check on , and may be a rat job in between ! , then you know you have made the grade (wannabe ) best regards CYNICAL (sorry if this sounds cynical , but I have had a really :censored: day , been tucked up by some body on a mole job again , found out it was a local lad who know,s diddley squat , see how long he last,s !! ) STEVE



yes i am a pro if you mean thats how i earn my living just because you are having a bad day there is no need for you to me cynical with me but then i to do have bad days. and as for fine tuning them yes i do and no they aint cheap chinese stuff.

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  nighttimenellie said:

Had my first pop at the moles over the past 3 days , got ten traps from flatpack (couldnt afford to buy in bulk from bethel fellas) straigtened the loops and pushed the trigger forward on them and off i went with my straight out the box traps(couldnt wait to weather them and was told you dont need to anyway)

After probing around for a couple of hours i had set them, went back the next day 3 tripped but no moles full of earth the traps were(any advice welcome to what i did wrong there)cleaned them out and reset them, back the next day and i had got 2, i was like a bairn in a sweet shop, i moved some that not been touched for the past 2 days and set them in diferent places(took my 2 moles still in trap home for pics so only had 8 traps left, not very profesional i know )back again and this time i had three with four tripped and filled(could have been seven out of eight traps), another question i have is when i dig for the tunnels i seem to block them any advice on best method of doing this would be welcome, anyway heres my catch, and its not just the moles that are caught now, i am hook line and sink


if your getting tripped traps and plugged up then you are at least putting them in the right place , so your half way there , just need a bit of fine tuning

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Thanks PK,and Moley, i looked at the traps yesterday and as i said i had only done very minor adjustments so i eased the trigger a little what a difference(to be honest i didnt do it first off as i was scared of the traps, having caught my fingers in one whithout gloves on when setting them in the house , one day ill grow up and be a big boy :icon_redface: )i am surprised i caught any at all after seeing how stiff they were, compared to how light you can get them, so im ordering some more and im going to give it a proper go, thanks lads.

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