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Need to trap some rooks

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Hi I need to capture some rooks - they must be alive when caught (and well). Would a ladder trap work for them? Or would any of you have any sensible suggestions for getting them. I only need a small number to be caught. It's for part of a project.


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Hi mate, it's for a research project (behaviour) in corvids, I took some from nests, but have had some fatalities, and I need some replacements. Obviously the birds have branched already, so can't climb for them again. Especially need the young birds so they settle. Need about 10.

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Guest Nightwalker

I caught some for a similar purpose once with a big ladder trap. I started feeding a plot of grass near a rookery with grain & bread and then put the trap up one section a day so that the birds were used to it and were feeding inside it before I installed the roof/ladder and made the catch - we got far more birds than we needed so could be pretty selective as to which ones to use. If you look at the relevant MAFF/DEFRA or BASC publications or do a web search you should find pictures and designs. I have used home-made ones about 12 foot square with wood and chicken wire sections, you can get commercial steel ones but it would be much cheaper to make your own. Dont waste your time with Larsen traps, a big funnel or ladder trap is the way to go.

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Daft though it might sound ,but according to a book on trapping i have you can catch them with polystyrene cups.You put treacle all round the inside and put a bit of corn in the bottom ,lay the cups down in a field where they are feeding and wait .Apparently they go for the corn ,the cup sticks to there head and they just lay down and wait for you to pick them up.Sounds daft but you never know.

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