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good night out with some mates and lurchers

Guest Hob__ferret

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Guest Hob__ferret

well me bowers1986 craggers2008 & austwick of the site all decided to go to some of my land for a few rabbits tonight so we all set off at 7 and got to the land at 20 past 8 went and seen the farmer to tell him were i was going and so on so off we go in to the frist field and there was a rabbit craggers was the frist to slip his little 3/4 whippet 1/4 grey and bang there was one in the bag so after that field we moved on the the next 2 witch were very lamp shy so that was no good the the next filed we went to i slipped my frist cross saluki grey and and bang anover one in the bag then bowers slipped his dog tobey of fen fever and bang anover one in the bag so then we did anover 2 fileds what had nowt in apart from 2 very lamp shy rabbits then the next field thats when the fun started when we started getting better slips on non lamp shy rabbits and to end the night we ended up with 10 nice clean rabbits ok for ok for a 1hr 30mins work we could of went on all night but both of the lamps went dead and to top the night of i lost me phone :icon_eek:






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Guest bullterrier

nice one mate i haven't got a lurcher myself but go out with mates who have i don't think its the numbers you get its being out with good company and a few rabbits all the better if its one rabbit or fifty . :thumbs: ...john

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