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Went to my doctors this evening to get some results of a blood test i had last week. And he tells me i have type 2 diabetes. I got to go back next week and see the nurse for monitoring. Ive always been a fit healthy guy and looked after myself for years, After spending most of my adult life in the forces its come as a bit of a shock to me. I have not been feeling unwell or nothing it was a just picked up on during a rutine medical. Been looking through the pamphlets the doc give me and it looks like i am going to have to change my lifestyle a bit LOL. I suppose im lucky i got into my forties without any serious health problems, Does anyone else suffer from it on here and have you got any tips you would like to share.

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I don't have this condition though I hear off more and more being diagnosed. There must be someone too advise you buddy, like you said you've been feeling fine and hey..which one's off us could not do with some change in lifestyle ;) . Don't worry too much theres plenty leading very full and active lives. :thumbs:

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ave just had all the test as well 10.2 first time second lot bloods 6.4 :D then third lot 10.4 :( so still waiting see what they diagnosist is :(:( also cause of age they done e c g as well then you got walk about with a portable moniter and shit like that they say that you mature with age aye thats becuse they will fill you full of pills they get aff sales man :D:D hope you get it stablasied mate ;)

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welcome to the club :D

a change in diet or 2 pills a day

fasting blood test twice a year

feet once a year

eyes once a year (which is pretty cool really as they photograph your retina and let you have a look)


but really it an excuse for them feckin doctors to test you for stuff the barstewerds


if you have been feeling alright before you found out you had it its not gone on very long undetected and you should be ok :yes:


me.......i was f****d for about 7 month.......think it was high teens when i was first tested......and was not well :D

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I had a "middle age" check up recently and although I don't have this condition I asked the nurse why there has recently been so much publicity about thousands of people walking around feeling ok but actually having the condition.

She explained that having untreated diabetes ia a big cause of heart disease and other serious life threatening illnesses.


So I would say you are one of the lucky ones mate.You will have the condition under control and can rest assured that you are far less likely to suffer heart problems or similar.


Still makes you annoyed though when you have looked after yourself all your life.

Good luck,Mooster.

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just to add


if you have a fuzzy sensation all the time (like a sugar rush when you was a kid)

crave sweet stuff all the time

and want to sleep there and then (you'll know what i mean if you have it) when you have eaten especially carbohydrates.


go to the quacks........you never know you might be in the club :D

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there are millions of undiagnosed diabetics. for years i worked as a practice nurse and ran a clinic for both type 1 and type 2 diabetics, basically it is just a healthy lifestyle infact if we all followed the recommended diet for diabetics we would all be very healthy. just make sure that you follow the advise as it can lead to type 1 diabetes. as for monitoring you should be referred to a clinic who will supply you with a blood glucose monitor and diary. you should also have regular hba1c blood tests approximately every 3 months initially which will give an average blood sugar reading. good luck :)

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My dad has type 2 & that was picked up in a routine medical for his job about 20 yrs ago, he managed to control it with diet & excersize alone for the first 15 yrs & then he had to start taking metformin (sp) , he is very disciplined & does exactly as he is told, its never got the better of him & he just carrys on as normal

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Thanks for the kind words I certainly dont intend letting it it the better of me. As for changing my diet well i eat pretty healthy anyway so that should be to much of a problem. A bit more exercise will do me good i have let it slip abit the last couple of years

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Im a Type 1 diabetic i was 15 when i got rushed to hospital as i was borderline coma i was 44.6, ive always been fit and healthy growing up, i was gutted at 1st but now i get on with it and live my life the way i want obviously with my routine of injections and carrying a bottle of lucazade everywhere. Dont think your life is over because of it you just gotta be a little careful and prepare your days lol and i eat what i want i got told that of my nurse as long as its not bags of sweets and choc all day

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Sorry to hear that mate, I had a scare not that long ago, I had all the symptoms of diabetes and was worrying about it so much and had to have blood tests and urine tests, but luckily for me it was something else which they are still unclear on.



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