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I have just been exposed to Jeremy Kyle

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Look at me

Look at me

Look at me

Look at me

Look at me

Look at me

Look at me


That's all he ever seems to say.

The guests are all the same, inbred pikeys with huge hoop earrings and scrapped back hair or very greasy hair and gold chains.

Got to love the state of this country, we reached the peak of the evolutionary scale, and now we are going back down to monkeys.

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he is very defensive for the men in a divorce and works at trying too get the ex bitch too let the dads see there kids..... a thing which at the moment dosnt happen often.....

iv got custody of my lad, his mum since aint arst with him. she took me court to stop me having him and i walked out with custody. the thing with dads is half of em aint bothered and then theres those that are bothered and are stopped in some way. and anyone who needs a bit of advise though just pm me and i will try to help ye out before any courts happen.


as for jeremy fecking kyle' he needs a beating with a big bloody bat. the arrogant cu*t


shits himself when some one gets up too him.




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he is very defensive for the men in a divorce and works at trying too get the ex bitch too let the dads see there kids..... a thing which at the moment dosnt happen often.....

iv got custody of my lad, his mum since aint arst with him. she took me court to stop me having him and i walked out with custody. the thing with dads is half of em aint bothered and then theres those that are bothered and are stopped in some way. and anyone who needs a bit of advise though just pm me and i will try to help ye out before any courts happen.


as for jeremy fecking kyle' he needs a beating with a big bloody bat. the arrogant cu*t


shits himself when some one gets up too him.






:clapper: Well done you for being one that does care, that deserves a lot of credit :D


Me and my parnter have just split, i kicked him out and i must admit i was crapping it in case he tried to take my daughter away, i hid her passport and sweated everytime he took her out in the car incase he did something stupid BUT i have now realised that he loves her just as much as i do, he would never hurt her and he knows she should be with her mum, it did give me an understaing of how men feel when women just take off with the kids, it is not a nice feeling at all, I will never understand how a parent can not be arsed with their kids, it would kill me if mine were taken away.

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