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theres a bit by DITCHSHITTER in working dogs health its a sticky that makes alot of sense , me personally i dont bother they get jabbed at about 10 wks and thats it until they get to 6 then they have another and in all the years ive had dogs iv e never had any problems with parvo or lepto , at the end of the day its your choice but youve never seen a poor vet have you there the only ones not suffering in the credit crunch

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Guest hunterside

every other year for me ,vets liked to scare you in to thinking it's got to be dun, they like to prey on the old and the ignorant its just a license to print money.And another thing while am on a rant if you ring 5 different vets for jab prices why is it you get 5 differant prices , they all should be regulated and have set prices. there you go rant over with i feel much better now AND HOWS IT GOING KASH ? ;)

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every other year for me ,vets liked to scare you in to thinking it's got to be dun, they like to prey on the old and the ignorant its just a license to print money.And another thing while am on a rant if you ring 5 different vets for jab prices why is it you get 5 differant prices , they all should be regulated and have set prices. there you go rant over with i feel much better now AND HOWS IT GOING KASH ? ;)




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