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permission wanted aswell!

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hi, i'm looking for some permission to hunt rabbits and/or woodpigeons and/or squirrels with an air rifle in the vale of glamorgan/south wales. i will also do pest control for ras and ferals if needed. i am only 13 but am fully responsable and know that many landowners woudelnt let someone of my age hunt on thee land full stop. but i know to treat my rifle as if it is loaded all the time.i can hit a 1.5 inc circle at 20 yards i will be accompanied by my dad at all times.

thank you

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youll have to o the same as the rest of us and do some leter writing and door knocking. one hing that helps is a membership of a shooting and field sports group thatll provide insurance as farmers worry about stray rounds and windows broke!


good luck.

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not that ime condoning it but when i was a lad no one had permission and we all still hunted! and the laws that were set up to prosecute black gangembers with ak47's walking their 'hoods' wouldnt be so vigorously enforced on a 13 year oldkid in a field with an airgun acting responsibly!

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