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how do i train my dog?

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i have a border collie (well my mum has and i offer to take him out for walks :rolleyes: ) he is very keen, maybe just a little bit too keen, we i take him out ferreting im workin 1 end of the hedge and he is at the other bolting rabbits but never sees them come out as he has he head stuck down another hole. and sugestions? i took him out lamping tonight aswell same again he was running round like a mad dog, just not were i had the lamp. he knows that he has to catch the rabbits but need to find a way of getting him to work with me and not just go off doing his own thing.

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when you are out lamping walk right up to the rabbits with the dog and wait till he sees them before letting him go. when out ferreting let him mark the setts for you then pull him back and make him stay back from the setts so he will see the rabbits bolting.

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Guest lurchers n lamps

just point his head towards what your looking at then when it moves hel see it an give chase just keep doin that and he should get the idea eventualy and hel start following the lamp

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Guest tewkesferreter

try hiding stuff (treats) in the garden at set places,then point the lamp at these places and let him run to them,he should learn pretty quick that theres stuff worth havin at the end of the beam,if hes not food orientated use a rabbit skin dummy or a toy,ive been using this method with mine and hes picked it up quite quickly.

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