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hopefully managed to wangle the shooting permission round bout my mother n father n laws farm house (hopefully not confirmed yet)

been watching a group of roe ( 5 of em ) for wee while now but theynever come too close

well i just left to go abroad with my work and i get email from my lass....


her old man took this the other morning.....they were just at bottom o the garden!!!!!


typical when im no there




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hopefully managed to wangle the shooting permission round bout my mother n father n laws farm house (hopefully not confirmed yet)

been watching a group of roe ( 5 of em ) for wee while now but theynever come too close

well i just left to go abroad with my work and i get email from my lass....


her old man took this the other morning.....they were just at bottom o the garden!!!!!


typical when im no there




this always happens, when you hav a gun/ dog you wont see one, but when your empty handed they'll walk straight past you

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