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ive got a pajero with a cracked head,and cant afford the repairs at the moment,i am thinking of using a liquid sealer that mixes in with the water and is supposed to seal the crack,as a tempory fix.has anyone used this before and has it worked or not. cheers alfie

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I just knew it would be a pajero, almost certain its a 2.8. How do you know its cracked mate,have you had the head off?

They do crack but if its not been really overheated it may just be a gasket. What are the symptoms? if it is just overheating it may be a water pump,if it is losing coolant it may still be a water pump,check for rusty marks around the front of the engine.Get it checked by a garage to confirm that its a head/gasket problem and forget about any sealant it will cause more damage in the long run.

hope its a pump only 40 quid..

The only time to use any of these products is if you want to sell the motor and they may hide the problem long enough to out it.


Look on pocuk.co for more detailed advice on these moneypit motors

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