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Ferreting an assential guide,has any one read this book?? i recieved mine a while back and was surprised that it had not had a mention on THL. The book is certainly the best book on ferreting available at the present time and i think it will become a timless classic,with nearly 200 pages it is a weath of information particully for youngsters starting out the book covers acquiring and looking after your ferrets including ferret welfare,what gear do you need? that depends on the type of ferreter you are, its full of usefull tips nets it covers the various types ie purse nets,long nets ,poke nets the types of twines used to make the nets and describes the different qualites,What about all the other accesories you might need??simon has covered it,the chapter on locaters should put people staight on the mk3[how many posts have been listed about the mk3]??simon goes into great detail about the history,operation and how to use the locater.So you have acquired your ferrets got your nets and other essential gear,permission?even that gets a mention ,next your out ferreting are you useing guns nets dogs,simon writes of the merrits of different ways to ferret.Young ferreters or those who have ferreted for years will find this a ESSENTIAL GUIDE the book is full of photos and illustrations the book is £20 well spent its worth that for the photos alone photos supplied by top fieldsports photograpers.ITS CERTAINLY GOT A PLACE ON MY SHELF

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Im with you guys on this one, and some exellent pictures as well as informative, Simons a nice guy and Im not surprised he as taken time to reply to you BRL, when he told me he couldn't make it to the opening of our new shop and lurcher show he said he would send us a signed copy of the new book to raffel off, what more can I say

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  john hubery said:
Im with you guys on this one, and some exellent pictures as well as informative, Simons a nice guy and Im not surprised he as taken time to reply to you BRL, when he told me he couldn't make it to the opening of our new shop and lurcher show he said he would send us a signed copy of the new book to raffel off, what more can I say


Hi John


good luck with the shop - I was Under the name of Mr. Tumbleweed on REAL Rabbiters site but was kicked off for havin a difference of opinion with the King of the mods....


I need a new spade, would like to put an order in and pick it up at one of the shows ,


All the best X mr. tumbleweed

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  hedgehunter said:
I was Under the name of Mr. Tumbleweed on REAL Rabbiters site but was kicked off for havin a difference of opinion with the King of the mods....


better to be the king of the mods than the court Jester :tongue2: and make sure you dont leave your earing stuck up john huberys arse when you remove your head :clapper::clapper:



but regarding the Book, good for the novice ferreter, plenty of good photos and plenty of advice. A very well put together book and possible the best produced book on the market at the moment regarding ferreting. Would i say it was the best regarding content? possible not i as i found both his first and his second book held more info that the novice would do well to listen too.

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  hedgehunter said:
I was Under the name of Mr. Tumbleweed on REAL Rabbiters site but was kicked off for havin a difference of opinion with the King of the mods....


You weren't kicked off for having a difference of opinion, you were kicked off for 2 reasons:


1) Childishly revoking the permission you gave a third party to use some of your photos of my dog after my review of Simon's book wasn't quite what you wanted to read. The photos in question where taken after you accepted MY hospitality to join me on MY land for a day's ferreting and night's lamping to photograph MY dog in action (and if I remember rightly it was MY petrol that got you there and back too!). The review in question was my opinion that the book is nothing more than an fleeting overview of ferreting and as such failed at being an 'Essential Guide'.


2) Calling me a c**t for posting that review, after which I wasn't really in the frame of mind to commit my time, effort and money into providing you with anything. Quite simply you had to go!


We had no 'difference of opinion'; I posted a review of the book, you didn't like it and took a course of action that resulted in you being booted from the forum.


It's as straight-forward as that!



Edited by Crow
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  Crow said:
  hedgehunter said:
I was Under the name of Mr. Tumbleweed on REAL Rabbiters site but was kicked off for havin a difference of opinion with the King of the mods....


You weren't kicked off for having a difference of opinion, you were kicked off for 2 reasons:


1) Childishly revoking the permission you gave a third party to use some of your photos of my dog after my review of Simon's book wasn't quite what you wanted to read. The photos in question where taken after you accepted MY hospitality to join me on MY land for a day's ferreting and night's lamping to photograph MY dog in action (and if I remember rightly it was MY petrol that got you there and back too!). The review in question was my opinion that the book is nothing more than an fleeting overview of ferreting and as such failed at being an 'Essential Guide'.


2) Calling me a c**t for posting that review, after which I wasn't really in the frame of mind to commit my time, effort and money into providing you with anything. Quite simply you had to go!


We had no 'difference of opinion'; I posted a review of the book, you didn't like it and took a course of action that resulted in you being booted from the forum.


It's as straight-forward as that!



:clapper::clapper::clapper: nice to get things right,and out into the open.

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