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Well its that time of year again,the shooting season is finished and most shoots are letting their ferreteters into the coverts to ferret the rabbits. And now the hare shoots are starting,my brother spends a lot of time beating and picking up thruoghout the shooting season and has now got invites to 4 hare shoots in suffolk the first today the expected bag is about 300 hares this will be followed by a second shoot next week where they expect a further 200 hares after that they are left alone,similar numbers are expected on the other shoots,it always seems a shame to shoot that many hares but i suppose they need controlling.Since the ban several people have been prosecuted in this area for illegal hare coursing and with coursers recieving driving bans and vehicles conviscated its no wonder most courers are wary of slipping dogs in this area. WHATS YOUR VIEW??

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Its a digusting waste IMO. Most folk would be happy to retreive 2 or 300 hares in one season with a dog and gun, never mind blasting that amount in one day. Guns make no distinction as to whether or not the hare is fit or strong, so shooting them does not encourage survival of the fittest, whereas coursing on the other hand, does exactly that. Or should I say did :(

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  SJM said:
Its a digusting waste IMO. Most folk would be happy to retreive 2 or 300 hares in one season with a dog and gun, never mind blasting that amount in one day. Guns make no distinction as to whether or not the hare is fit or strong, so shooting them does not encourage survival of the fittest, whereas coursing on the other hand, does exactly that. Or should I say did :(


100% toatal truth there !! ;)

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Guest hpool_hunter

dog running anything - rabbit/hare/fox/deer , and it gets away , fair play to the quarry -


shotgun cartridge - * SMACK / WHOLLOP* - quarry doesnt even no your there - wheres the sport in that?


have nothing against shooting , as thats how i got into sports such as this , but now , not my cup of tea . ;)

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If they can shoot 2-3 hundred in a day, well they've got to many hares and definetly need controlling, dogs aren't every ones cup of tea, so why should they miss out on countryside activities, and remember they proberly did the same last year and the year before and so on, so it's not as if they a wiping every single hare out is it.




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  craigyboy said:
its bollox mate,shooting hares should be banned not coursing :angry:


its not so much a sport its control,yes i would rather slip a dog on a daytime hare or even one on the lamp than shoot it,but this is control how many hares would get caught in the day if you replaced the guns with dogs?? it would be like bedlam,amusing but not practicle

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  SJM said:
Its a digusting waste IMO. Most folk would be happy to retreive 2 or 300 hares in one season with a dog and gun, never mind blasting that amount in one day. Guns make no distinction as to whether or not the hare is fit or strong, so shooting them does not encourage survival of the fittest, whereas coursing on the other hand, does exactly that. Or should I say did :(



Amen to that :clapper:


Thats what people do not understand, it is all about survival of the fittest, the best dogs can catch a hare but the fittest hare gets away!


not much sport in shooting something that has no chance of escape, in my opinion :D

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