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  luke d said:
right a lad down my street has a bitch for sale its a deerhound cross, stands about 22'' very quick little dog and very keen. only had rabbits but really good at her job. the lad is located in doncaster area south yorkshire and is wanting £60 for the bitch. to be honest if i had the time and room i would of had it myself. will make someone very proud. number is 07526 686880 and name is joel.



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  Big bald beautiful said:

you inbred twat

get back in bed with your sister in your f*****g caravan


you can see the dogs a mess

i only need glasses for driving, not messing with a knob like you.....




haha f*kin inbred eh i love it pal sounds good idea but from a man whos obviously had experience. i know the dogs not in perfect condition but you try having a go at me to get it a better home. any dog that i will advertise on here for sale is to get it a better home which it deserves. none of them will ever be mine because i couldnt have a dog for few years then sell it to get a new pup or because its working isnt to high standards. so you lot who want to keep being twats carry on with your sad little comments but hopefully you dont put off the ones who could give the dog what it deserves

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