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HARTLEPOOL / surrounding area's , trimdon/ptlee ect * 1st article also now added*

Guest hpool_hunter

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Guest hpool_hunter

i never seen this article published in the hartlepool mail yesterday * 12/02/09* , but on visiting my sister today she said to me did you read in the paper about * your sport* . i.e lamping . i said no , she said have a look on the net , here it is , the article ,




all best


Edited by hpool_hunter
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They make you laugh mate dont they.


It really is bang out of order tho that they potray us all to be yobs, fair enough theres some tossers in our sport, but you get good and bad in everything.


The sooner these do gooders realise that a majority of people in our feild are genuine and what the real craic is the better, but i wont hold my breath, will you?. :thumbs:

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Guest hpool_hunter
  Hob__ferret said:
they dont have a clue what they are going on about they need to get there fact's right i think frist


i mean who on earth would walk round flashing lights in the middle of a dark field :whistling::tongue2:

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  dodger said:
They make you laugh mate dont they.


It really is bang out of order tho that they potray us all to be yobs, fair enough theres some tossers in our sport, but you get good and bad in everything.


The sooner these do gooders realise that a majority of people in our feild are genuine and what the real craic is the better, but i wont hold my breath, will you?. :thumbs:

:thumbdown: Just goes 2 show theyve got feck all else 2 do.. :thumbs:

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Ill try to for ya mate i actually phoned the offices of the newspaper up and made a complaint but being very causious and carefull in what i said but they didnt have the time of the day for me and said that the person who wrote the article was right in every aspect of what she had published and basically said all people that participate in this sport are mindless barbaric thugs towards animals after hearing this i figured yet another nti better of saving my breath

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could find the article for you dale but these were the exact words that were written. What kind of sick thug goes out with the intention of startling an innocent animal to render it defenceless in order to set a dog on it? What enjoyment could someone possibly get from watching such a disgusting spectacle? These mindless idiots are in the same league as those who train dogs to fight. These thugs must be stopped and feel the full weight of the law.

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