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dog in season

Guest little hunter

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Guest little hunter

i had my dog out about 2 weeks ago and my other dog was trying to mate it and was always sniffing around it but there has been no sighn of it being in season, swelling est.... i wanted to breed her but she hasnt shown eny sighns :no:

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If its just the one dog been bouncing round sniffing its possible hes just abit hormonal or she may very well be due in season just not yet, Is there n e chance you could have missed her? some bitches are blaintantly in season, i e dripping blood obvious swelling ''fliratious'' throughout, etc others clean themselves constantly therfore making it hard to detect, and only stand for one day. ive worked in large breeding establishments and know every dogs different, keep a close eye on her especialy when shes around other dogs, they can tell you more than any text book mate. :good: How olds she ? And have you thought it through sensibly?It can be very expensive ... Actualy mating alone can be hard enough and thats just the tip of the iceburg theres a multitude of potential problems, and theres loadsa lads on here who can give yer their tales, good and bad, that might sway you. Ive supervised countless births and as rewarding as the whole experience can be, you need to make sure ur 110% commited to the result of a mating, which doesnt stop when or, if, the pups are all delivered healthy and safe. Whelping is half of difficult battle. Especialy in the lurcher fraternity.

not wanting to put a dampner on it mate or have a go, just hope you know what to expect,


Goodluck in whatever you decide :good:



AnT :ph34r:

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Guest little hunter
If its just the one dog been bouncing round sniffing its possible hes just abit hormonal or she may very well be due in season just not yet, Is there n e chance you could have missed her? some bitches are blaintantly in season, i e dripping blood obvious swelling ''fliratious'' throughout, etc others clean themselves constantly therfore making it hard to detect, and only stand for one day. ive worked in large breeding establishments and know every dogs different, keep a close eye on her especialy when shes around other dogs, they can tell you more than any text book mate. :good: How olds she ? And have you thought it through sensibly?It can be very expensive ... Actualy mating alone can be hard enough and thats just the tip of the iceburg theres a multitude of potential problems, and theres loadsa lads on here who can give yer their tales, good and bad, that might sway you. Ive supervised countless births and as rewarding as the whole experience can be, you need to make sure ur 110% commited to the result of a mating, which doesnt stop when or, if, the pups are all delivered healthy and safe. Whelping is half of difficult battle. Especialy in the lurcher fraternity.

not wanting to put a dampner on it mate or have a go, just hope you know what to expect,


Goodluck in whatever you decide :good:



AnT :ph34r:

thanks [bANNED TEXT] she is about 20 months old and she is a 21' saluki whippet greyhound :good:

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Guest little hunter

no offence pal,but 20 months is too young to be breeding a litter from,the dog hasnt even had a couple of seasons under its belt to prove itsself



ok lads :good:

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mounting can be due to many things including dominence, frustration etc not just season.

to give an example a couple of days ago i was on a 10k run around the burrows with my bitch, which is nowhere near her season, when some ejits lab comes over and tries to mount her she wips of and the fat lab follows. five miles later this frothing staggering creature is still gamely in pursuit although dropping slowly off the back. the owner appeared a little later in their car also frothing at the mouth, it seems she had set of in pursuit as well but hadn't got to far, i expect both have since had a heart attack.lol

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Guest little hunter
mounting can be due to many things including dominence, frustration etc not just season.

to give an example a couple of days ago i was on a 10k run around the burrows with my bitch, which is nowhere near her season, when some ejits lab comes over and tries to mount her she wips of and the fat lab follows. five miles later this frothing staggering creature is still gamely in pursuit although dropping slowly off the back. the owner appeared a little later in their car also frothing at the mouth, it seems she had set of in pursuit as well but hadn't got to far, i expect both have since had a heart attack.lol


:laugh::good: ok [bANNED TEXT]

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Guest chilli

My dog aint fussy he will mount anything :laugh: he has had both or burnies males dogs an me mates ! an my mums legs :laugh::laugh:


My bitch is in at the moment swelled up an dripping blood every were got her in a pair of kiddies knickers with a towel ! dont want blood every were . this is the first season she has had for allmost 2 years no dog has payed attention to her like that , but my mates dog started to show intrest in her bout 3 weeks back an he has been out with her plenty an never shown a bit of intrest so she may be about to come in mate .

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Guest moomin300uk

not for every one to jump down my throat but why is 20 months to young?? if it was 24 months would that make it ok??

In the wild would the not breed first season?? or is the alpa female only aloud to mate?? this is a query I aint saying to breed dogs at a young age i know there is to many homeless useless dogs kickin about cheers

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Guest little hunter
not for every one to jump down my throat but why is 20 months to young?? if it was 24 months would that make it ok??

In the wild would the not breed first season?? or is the alpa female only aloud to mate?? this is a query I aint saying to breed dogs at a young age i know there is to many homeless useless dogs kickin about cheers

spot on mate :good: :ph34r:

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Guest mush
not for every one to jump down my throat but why is 20 months to young?? if it was 24 months would that make it ok??

In the wild would the not breed first season?? or is the alpa female only aloud to mate?? this is a query I aint saying to breed dogs at a young age i know there is to many homeless useless dogs kickin about cheers

think hes talking about how many seasons working the bitch has done not how many times its been in season :D
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