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i`ve aquired a few pheasants :whistling: normally i cover em in bacon and stick em in the oven or put em in a pie with veg ... anyone got any other ideas for cooking/recipes ..



What else have you got kicking around? The breasts make a great terrine when mixed with rabbit, pigeon, bit of chicken liver etc.


Or take the breasts off and use in game pie..similar ingredients to the above.. uber tasty..



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i`ve aquired a few pheasants :whistling: normally i cover em in bacon and stick em in the oven or put em in a pie with veg ... anyone got any other ideas for cooking/recipes ..



What else have you got kicking around? The breasts make a great terrine when mixed with rabbit, pigeon, bit of chicken liver etc.


Or take the breasts off and use in game pie..similar ingredients to the above.. uber tasty..



freezer full of rabbit .. and a venison shoulder any ideas for that ?
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i`ve aquired a few pheasants :whistling: normally i cover em in bacon and stick em in the oven or put em in a pie with veg ... anyone got any other ideas for cooking/recipes ..



What else have you got kicking around? The breasts make a great terrine when mixed with rabbit, pigeon, bit of chicken liver etc.


Or take the breasts off and use in game pie..similar ingredients to the above.. uber tasty..



freezer full of rabbit .. and a venison shoulder any ideas for that ?


Aye, chuck the lot in, pie or terrine. My own preference in the terrine, would be to add abit of sweetness to it, may be some redcurrents, or cranberries.

If it were in the pie, cook the pie filling for a long time first on the hob, in plenty of fluid. (red wine, chicken stock, bit of port)

Plenty of nice veg..carrots, celery, onion, mushroom, tatties.


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Ive been making quite a lot of potted pheasant over winter, always have loads of pheasants available and this is so easy to make


roast the pheasant breasts in olive oil with some smashed up garlic stil in its skin until cooked but not dry then leave to cool

fry some finely diced onion with some chopped up garlic until cooked but not burnt

mince the cool pheasant breasts in a food processor until quite fine

put the minced pheasant in the pan with the onion and stir till its all mixed together, season with salt and pepper and finely diced mixed herbs if you wish.

this will now resemble a quite dry pan full of minced pheasant so add either stock, red wine, port whatever is your preference, this is the trail and error stage as you want your finished dish to be moist enough to spread but not too moist your left with lots of liquid in the bottom of your dish or too dry it wont spread.

put the complete mix in your chosen dish and press down and leave to cool

melt some butter in a pan, remove the froth and pour the melted butter over the pheasant mix and put in fridge to set


after a few hours take out and spread over fresh bread and enjoy with a nice glass of red wine........... well thats what i do if i can get to it quick enough.


this is so versatile you can try it with different bits of game.

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Ive been making quite a lot of potted pheasant over winter, always have loads of pheasants available and this is so easy to make


roast the pheasant breasts in olive oil with some smashed up garlic stil in its skin until cooked but not dry then leave to cool

fry some finely diced onion with some chopped up garlic until cooked but not burnt

mince the cool pheasant breasts in a food processor until quite fine

put the minced pheasant in the pan with the onion and stir till its all mixed together, season with salt and pepper and finely diced mixed herbs if you wish.

this will now resemble a quite dry pan full of minced pheasant so add either stock, red wine, port whatever is your preference, this is the trail and error stage as you want your finished dish to be moist enough to spread but not too moist your left with lots of liquid in the bottom of your dish or too dry it wont spread.

put the complete mix in your chosen dish and press down and leave to cool

melt some butter in a pan, remove the froth and pour the melted butter over the pheasant mix and put in fridge to set


after a few hours take out and spread over fresh bread and enjoy with a nice glass of red wine........... well thats what i do if i can get to it quick enough.


this is so versatile you can try it with different bits of game.


That sounds quite nice..I may try that next year..Not for the health concious amongst us though :o

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pheasant breast

lay aslice o parma ham or cheaper prosscutiuo on bit o foil place pheasnat breast on it at 90 degrees angle season wi

salt n pepper and bit o lazy garlic, then put leaf o basil ontop then a slice o buffalo cheese or whatevecheese you want

then take edges o ham slice fold over the lot and put into a pre-heated oven 190 C for 15 minutes might need few minutes more depends how you like it




good wi steamed veg and spring onion mashed tatties



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