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Identify this Dropping?

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I'll get my coat (anorak :D )


On a serious note, it might be sh*t but sometimes it's the only clue you get. It confirms ID and the fresness or otherwise is useful to determine how often and how recently the quarry has passed by. A good pile of poo is usually an excellent place to set a trap or place bait. Even whenh you don't see it you often smell it.

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Putting this picture up on behalf of Dicktheleg on the Hunting Life. He sent me the picture for identification purposes and i told him what i thought it was from. It was in a stable and was approx 40mm long and 10mm wide and in a pool of urine as well.

I would be interested in some other opinions as the dropping appeared to contain seed matter rather than insect matter.


Rolfe ;)



hi if the person you put this photo up for smelt a sweet hint of inseed oil when he took the photo. then this is a hedgehog. they are normanly shiny, black and crinkly. which the photo dose show some black in it so i would go for the hedgehog. theses droppings are 15-50mm long and 8-10mm think which is in the range you stated. :clapper:

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we'll go for hedgehog then..........i thought it may have been feeding on dog or cat food myself and being in and around a stable block and nice warm bales it could well be active this time of year.

Thank you everyone for you input ........it might only be sh*t but to the really observant it tells a host of information as to what is active at night. ;) ;)


Rolfe ;)

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Theres two things that would have me thinking it wasnt hedgehog...


#1 its the wrong time of year totally...

#2 its seeds rather than animal based...



In meat eaters, bird seed like poo can be a sign of maldigestion or malabsorption. The individual seeds are usually undigested fat and starch complexes. Can also be a sign of problems in the small intestine..



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Theres two things that would have me thinking it wasnt hedgehog...


#1 its the wrong time of year totally...

#2 its seeds rather than animal based...



In meat eaters, bird seed like poo can be a sign of maldigestion or malabsorption. The individual seeds are usually undigested fat and starch complexes. Can also be a sign of problems in the small intestine..




Well, IMO seeing seed in their droppings probably means they have been eating seeds.....or is that a bit too simple???..ll

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Theres two things that would have me thinking it wasnt hedgehog...


#1 its the wrong time of year totally...

#2 its seeds rather than animal based...



In meat eaters, bird seed like poo can be a sign of maldigestion or malabsorption. The individual seeds are usually undigested fat and starch complexes. Can also be a sign of problems in the small intestine..




Well, IMO seeing seed in their droppings probably means they have been eating seeds.....or is that a bit too simple???..ll


No not too simple, just another plausable explanation :thumbs:

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