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nob heads

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whats the problem with some people on this site? you try to ask a normal question and 80% of the replys are of people trying to be smart, just wonderd wat it is that some people have going thru there heads, instead of helpin someone out people like to give abuse or slag people off, karl

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you try getting a bit of advice and just get bad comments, doesnt really bother me but it seems to me on every post and some people on here are young lads just getting into the sports, we should be helping not given wise remarks, cheers karl

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yer it happen to me the other day i asked a question on some thing i had seen members posting about as i dint undersdtand it and only got one or two good ansers back the others were just there to insult me. i then posted a reply along the lines of thank to those who helped me and those who dint i dont know how these pepole think the sport will continue as the have no love for it or to teach any one elce. the post was swiftly removed.

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Sadly in the last week i have had 3 pm's from people on here asking general questions regarding some ferret matter, the general overall feeling is they dont want to post a thread on the board for fear of being made fun off


Thats ok i dont mind getting pm's like this, i think it reflects badly on people who do constantly pick holes in everything everyone writes :cry:


Is it any wonder people dont post at all , for a newbie its like jumping into a tank of piranah, what does put my back up is the cretins who jump on everything you do , say etc , thats across the board , you get the newbie kid who is asking what to feed his animals then a wee while later he becomes the self appointed expert on every subject under the sun, or you get adults who are just plain miserable & find it beneath them to give someone a decent answer, so rather than not comment they snipe away & it causes bad feeling on here


Then the people who go out of there way to help anyone & everyone if its needed do it in pm because they cant be arsed to post on the board , there the ones who leave in the end to make way for the arsewipes on here

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Sadly in the last week i have had 3 pm's from people on here asking general questions regarding some ferret matter, the general overall feeling is they dont want to post a thread on the board for fear of being made fun off


Thats ok i dont mind getting pm's like this, i think it reflects badly on people who do constantly pick holes in everything everyone writes :cry:


Is it any wonder people dont post at all , for a newbie its like jumping into a tank of piranah

i agree with this, makes you reluctant to post when you know most people will be taking the piss.dont get me wrong its a great site and ive met some good lads/ladys on here but there seems to be a lot of armchair based know it alls .

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Sadly in the last week i have had 3 pm's from people on here asking general questions regarding some ferret matter, the general overall feeling is they dont want to post a thread on the board for fear of being made fun off


Thats ok i dont mind getting pm's like this, i think it reflects badly on people who do constantly pick holes in everything everyone writes :cry:


Is it any wonder people dont post at all , for a newbie its like jumping into a tank of piranah

i agree with this, makes you reluctant to post when you know most people will be taking the piss.dont get me wrong its a great site and ive met some good lads/ladys on here but there seems to be a lot of armchair based know it alls .


I am sure other members have pm's as well from folks asking stuff, its sad that a lot on here feel they cant post because of the general overall feel of the board at the moment, i post les & visit the board less these days i basically cant be bothered any more

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I think it has something to do with the natural evolution of a forum. It starts of with a few people where most know each other eiher from other forums or from the real life and can put faces to names. At this stage, if there is a bad apple getting in there, that apple is usually dealt with in a very swift manner, but as a forum gets bigger you get more bad apples coming in and they are the ones that get noticed but the forum is now to big and impersonal to do much about them and the result is, that the good people start to leave usualy they start another forum or join a smaller one. Then there is the thing about answering questions for the umpteenth time as most of the questions asked have been answered in one form or another loads of times by the same nice people and eventually they get fed up with it and then the standard answer is " look in the archives mate ". That in itself is not a bad suggestions but can be taken the wrong way by some. Another thing is the banter that we have on here. I think its great but for a new member I can see that some of them could take it the wron way and get upset even though there was nothing bad intended. So before I press the send button on my posts I tend to read them again and think if I would say that in the same way if the person was a stranger standing next to me in a pub. If I can answer that with yes ....... press " Add Reply" if not, start again.


Just my 2 pence worth





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