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.22LR Range??

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Depends if you got fox on your ticket, or if your police force considers fox to be classed as vermin, if i doubt, call them.

Plenty of discussion on here re fox/.22lr recently, try the search.

Apparently, the rules change with region............ :wacko:

Edited by Fidgety
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It depends on how good you are now. Can you shoot 1/2" groups @50m now with your CZ auto???? If not then you shouldn't be taking shots at fox's and stick to the rabbits. Head shots are the only humain way to kill fox's with a 22lr if at all.

I zero my CZ 22lr @50m now and know I'm 1 1/2" high @30m and 4" low @75.

I can take head shoots on rabbits @100m but only when I'm set up to do so and have the zero set for that range.

If you can't kil a fox with 1 shot then leave it, you don't want or need to take his jaw off and leave the fox to die painfully do you ?

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I have the CZ581 - predecessor, but almost identical to the CZ511, and I use Remington subsonics in it most of the time. Reliable enough as long as the action is kept clean.


Fox with a .22 rimfire, and you would need a special condition on your cert. My force won't allow any rimfire for fox.

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You don't need to shoot a half inch group at 50 yards to kill a fox at that distance also - a fox has a reasonable kill zone, even the head, at that range. A 1 inch group is more practical.



regarding fox and vermin conditions, well, I just got kicked off AirgunBBS because of that one so I shall be brief. Since firearms licensing departments do this differently, that in itself creates a grey area. Added to this is that fact that fox is widely considered to be vermin, so it's very ambiguous.


I got told by Thames Valley that foxes are vermin, so crack on. other people in Thames Valley got told different.


In a court of law, which is really what this needs, you would have to prove that fox isn't vermin to prove that someone breached the terms of their firearm certificate, which, providing all other permissions etc were in place and the fox killed humanely, is the only possible contravention of law.


I don't think anyone could prove a fox not to be vermin. Therefore, you would almost certainly not be found guilty of an offence.


HOWEVER, if you managed to find a copper that cared passionately about preparing evidence for the CPS to prosecute, you would already have had a lot of bother by the time you get to court.


We do need a court case for this, but I for one do not want to be it. I shoot foxes with my rimfires on a vermin condition because I was told to. My ticket is in for variation for another calibre, so I asked for fox on everything while it's there - while I accept they told me to carry on, getting it in writing is best all round.

Edited by Mr_Logic
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I'll add a penniesworth too;


Best zero from the ballistics stuff appears to be 59yds for subsonic stuff, 1/2" low at 50 and the same at 20.


Longest shot I've taken on .22 was 175yds, shot 3 feet over on estimate but shot dead as a dodo. (rabbit)


Chose the round to suit your gun, Winchester has come in for some serious critcism recently, from me included.


I've asked the question before so here it is again, has anyone ever been "troubled" by having shot a Fox with a .22. Everyone I have ever shot has been within 40 yrds and dropped before I could lower the gun, fox with a shotgun raises far more issues.

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