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... why are the on the DDA for the UK was there an incident with one hurting a person.?? ...


It's f*cking ridiculous over here mate, I personally think the only reason they wont have this breed over here is because its a big game bred dog!


The laws over here just make me want to welly the door off No 10 at times!


As for the clips on Youtube, I see a cracking one where they were testing the arsehole out on a load of young Dogo's on a Massive Boar in a big pen. Some of them were getting butted and they'd shit themselves, some would get snotted and start baying then there was some who'd take a wallop but still turn round and latch on, great vid but I can't find it on there anymore.


I wonder whether they'd make a good Lurcher cross though? from what I've seen they tend to hunt in a complete different way to how you'd want a Lurcher too hunt.

Edited by Attack Fell Terrier
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i seen an old black and white clip of one killing a puma...


There's a vid on youtube showing the guys roping a puma or big cat from up a tree and the dogs piling In on It. I'm pritty sure they were Dogo's.




the one i seen maty was banned off here for being to rough... it was a big pen with a dogo and puma duking it out till the end... i think it might have been in the 40's or sometime like that


if its the one im thinking of then chances are the puma had its teet an claws pulled out as the dogo didnt have a scratch on it

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